[Live] Xbox Cross Platform Play

Is there a way to turn it off as a developer?

Edit: Apparently not!

Grumpy old man descends on feature requests:


haha, I love how the first comment after the feature release is asking for a way to disable it. lol, should be the dictionary definition of irony.

purposeful edit: I agree, hopefully an easy toggle button?

@Aesthetical @Orlando777 @Chaotic_Cody @SmoothBlockModel @ClutchDeveloper

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Whatā€™s wrong with that, though?


If it conflicts with gameplay, then of course one would ask.


It ruins FPSs, they made it user opt out, meaning hardly anyone will use it, and so on any shooters console players are going to have a bad time.

Console players canā€™t talk to PC, they canā€™t play the same way, why put them in the same server??

They were saying something about it being great it was so easy to make a console/PC/Mobile game, and it is, great job roblox, I am surprised at how easy theyā€™ve managed to get cross platform compatibility to achieve, but why force them to play together??


Itā€™s a valid question. There are times when one wouldnā€™t want mobile/pc/console players all playing together in the same server. Different controls bring advantages/disadvantages that you, as a developer, donā€™t really want to introduce.

I understand how there needs to be your own transition into new features, whether just testing the waters for sharks or preparing prerequisite features.

Nothing about your post was humorous, though. I think @DeepBlueNoSpace makes a valid point that this should be toggleable. My mobile players likely have vary different controls than my PC players, same for XBOX. if my game is competitive, someone automatically has an advantage. I personally think it should be the developers choice as to whether or not their servers are mixed. This is still possible by creating multiple games in a Universe, but seems like an unfortunate added step.


These are public forums mean to ask questions pertaining the released feature/announcement.

All questions asked are here to help users get a better understanding or to find out what we can do to help our issue, as the issue here is if we can disable this feature.

There are many features that have been released with ways to disable or to revert because of these issues. It is important to also help users by encouraging them or supporting their argument or by helping users, again, understand. This was not humorous and @SmoothBlockModel and @DeepBlueNoSpace have valid points pertaining the post.


Great update, games like Survive the Disasters will now have all platforms playing in a single server. As I see no serious competitive games at all on ROBLOX, I see no reason to complain about this.

We cant choose to separate xbox from pc players? That means I canā€™t make my game xbox compatible now. Copyright stuff is more strict on xbox than on computer, and I unfortunately sold too many of those types of assets and I cant just remove them from everyone to keep it off of xbox screens.

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Itā€™s funny how ROBLOX pulls this off, yet all other major games seem to not ever do it. Iā€™m sure thereā€™s a lot of technical challenges and also challenges from the console companies themselves though.

But still, kudos to ROBLOX for pulling off what Iā€™ve always wanted games to do.


I think itā€™s contracts and not development work. There was a PS4 game that accidentally enabled matchmaking with its other platforms. This was a configuration mistake and not intentionally implemented according to the developers. Consoles love to have artificially exclusive content because they canā€™t compete otherwise.

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Also, microsoft did not allow it, pretty sure sony did not as well.

There are quite a few games that have had cross-platform play for a while. Rocket League for example has had it for several years or maybe even from its inception, not entirely sure. For Roblox they were required to restrict cross-play when they first launched for whatever contractual reason.

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