Allow Devs to turn off Xbox Crossplay

Sorry to sound like a grumpy old man, and complain as soon as a new feature gets released!

I want Roblox to give us an option to make it so Xbox (and heck, even mobile users would be pretty nifty, but less essential) aren’t forced to play with PC players.

The reasons why its a terrible idea to force them in the same server:

  1. They can’t communicate with each other. Xbox players talk, and can’t see chat. PC players use chat and can’t hear the talking

  2. PC players are a whole lot more capable in competitive games, and thus it becomes very hard to balance for this fairly. It worsens the user experience as a whole.

I’m sure there are way more reasons, and you can see the general dissatisfaction in the main thread. Just a quick synopsis of the current solutions available that are officially supported by Roblox.

  1. Turn off console - this was legitimately offered to me as the first solution, even by Roblox admins. I really don’t want to come off as rude, and tell you “YOU’RE DOING IT WRONG!!”, but if an update to one of your popular and important features results in you telling people to disable it, it feels quite insulting and like you are doing it irregardless of feedback. I’m sure its not the case, but it hella feels like that.

  2. Its user opt out - this is insufficent as its opt-out, people tend not to opt out of things even if its not what they want.

  3. Universe system - this isn’t officially supported by Roblox as a solution, but is probably the most viable option, but is definately uncomfortable given that it doubles load times, and if you already use the universe system for something else, well have fun managing all those places!!

The old way was great, and I think letting it be an option for Xbox and PC players to interact in the same servers is a good one to have, but I don’t reallllly see the benefits of it, but I see quite substantial negatives. I think it worsens social games by ruining the social bit of it, and it ruins competitive games by ruining the competitive bit of it.

Hopefully this gets added :eyes:




Agreed, but

This I don’t. Unless framerate plays a role, console players are just as capable. Controllers are actually often easier for many in a lot of competitive games from racing to games like Rocket League. FPS games, it comes down to personal preference. I was better with a controller.

Okay, but the overwhelming majority of people would say keyboard + mouse. There is a reason pro players don’t use gamepads lol.

Even so, this doesn’t mean force it. If its personal preference, let people choose


Overwatch banned mouse peripherals on consoles because it was so easy to aim compared to a thumbstick. Mouse superiority isn’t an opinion – it’s a real difference in hardware capabilities.


Yes it is because its personal preference. Your skill is about how well you work with the pheripheral you’re using. Its why playing FPS games on PC I could win against people using kb + mouse.

Eh appeal to popularity

On Osu! an overwhelming majority of players use a tablet instead of mouse to control your cursor, but there are a few mouse players that do just as well. The learning curve may be harsher, but in the end its how you use the tool. (Go figure that im one of the few mouse players that can compete with pro tablet players)

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Its not really opinion, I’m going to reverse back track lol, this article explores the idea pretty nicely


It is an opinion even if you are being objective about it. There’s no way out of that.
And ew aim assist yeah I turn that off when I can.
And like I said, even if a majority do better with keyboard and mouse that doesn’t mean it is factually better. Just relying on an appeal to popularity. It all comes down to what you use the best. I played Titanfall with a controller on PC and still do and I do just fine not to mention a lot of buttons on a controller aren’t as awkward to press like they are with some games where you have to reach across and press keys like ‘g’

Facts are not opinions just because you disagree with them. Overwatch personally lobbied to Microsoft/Sony to stop allowing mouses or to allow easy access to mouses for all players.

This isn’t something they lobbied because some players felt that mouses were unfair. These were professional game developers who verified that mouses offered better playing performance through metrics and analysis.


Objectively, fact driven analysis is not opinion. Keyboard and Mouse are far better in several areas for competitive shooter games, from variable DPI to negligible input lag and clear versatility, not to mention programmable macros and significantly larger range of motion. Your own anecdotal experience doesn’t change fact.

That being said, in competitive environments I wholly support separation of medium. Console players should not be competing against PC players, it’s not a fair competition no matter how you look at it. (Variability in PC performance, variability in input medium etc…)


You could just send Xbox players to a different server(a place in the game world not the same as the current) once they join as an easy fix until they enable an option to turn off crossplay

You could also give them an option to teleport in case they preferred to play with computer players.


DPI is a gimmick. Any pro fps player uses around 800DPI. Nobody needs anything insanely high. You can just adjust controller sensitivity and deadzones for an equivalent. Controllers often offer easier access to keys and macros are more suited for games that use a LOT of keys. This is typically not FPS games at all.
Its not fact. Plain and simple. You can argue points over which is better or worse but in the end it comes down to your own personal preference and what points you consider positive or negative. All subjectivity.

And opinions are not facts because a company lobbied against it. The only thing the statistic offers is which is the bigger preference.

That being said, in competitive environments I wholly support separation of medium. Console players should not be competing against PC players, it’s not a fair competition no matter how you look at it. (Variability in PC performance, variability in input medium etc…)

And I 100% disagree. Even if you argue for FPS for majority, you’ll see a majority of players in any racing game or games like Rocket League not use KB + mouse. Most Rocket League pros came from console and out perform a lot of kb+mouse players as many find the access to controls easier.

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There is a way you can accomplish this. Make two separate places and teleport players based on their input type. We recommend checking input type rather than platform because in the future Xbox may support mouse input, and you would not want those players matched with players using controllers. Conversely you would not want a PC player using a gamepad to be matched with PC players using mice.


This is obviously a temporary solution correct? It would not work for any existing game due to data, count against place visit totals and you would not be eligible for events. On top of this, roblox has asked devs to not do this:

To clarify, we encourage you to split your game into multiple places. Place visits will be correctly counted on the start place.

We discourage you from making multiple games because then all of player data (e.g. favorites, place visits, data stores) will be split.


Common now man, you can’t say that console and pc are equal. Everybody knows FPS games like Battlefield, CoD and Rainbow 6 Siege are way easier on PC. If you played these games on both platforms you would know.

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This might be more practical if we were given a studio tool to publish the same game to mutilple place files at once.

I never said they were equal. I said that a console player (aka players who use controllers) can do just as good as kb+mouse player when framerate isn’t an issue. PC offers a lot of luxuries, but they are just that, luxuries. (Higher graphical settings can actually hinder your ability to see other players) I say it all comes to your personal preference as to which form of input you prefer. I play CoD better with a controller and can easily match kb+mouse players while other games I don’t like controllers for.’ Its funny that you say I would know since I have played such games on consoles and PC.

PC ultimately gives you the flexibility to customize the experience how you want to and I’m not denying the experience is overall better, but as I said, thats mostly luxury aside from framerate and maybe resolution if its sub 1080p. The rest comes to how YOU play as an individual. Often times FPS games with a lot of functionality are annoying to play with kb+mouse. Sometimes you have to reach your fingers over at awkward angles to hit certain buttons, controllers make buttons way more accessible. Which can speed up reaction time.

The player should have the option to choose this. Rocket League lets me decide if I want to play with PC players only or cross platform. Even if people like me are a minority, if I decide to use a controller I want to play against PC players.

I think the suggestion that kbm vs controller is entirely personal preference is ridiculous. Pro FPS players use kbm because it is objectively easier to aim. You, as an individual, might somehow be really bad at kbm and really good at controller, so you decide to play with a controller. But for the vast majority of players, it’s much easier to aim with kbm.

The opposite is true for platformers and racing games. No one players super smash bros with kbm. You can hit a bunch of different keys really quickly on a controller, and you have two thumbsticks that give you variable 2-dimensional input which simply doesn’t exist on kbm.

The fact is that kbm and controller afford different styles of play which are best suited to different game genres. Just because there are games where it doesn’t matter doesn’t mean there aren’t games where it does matter.

In fact, aiming with controller is so difficult that almost every console FPS applies some form of aim compensation where your cursor slows down over a target, and simply aiming near your target will land a hit. Roblox games don’t do this, so even if controller vs pc might be plausible in some triple-a game, it’s certainly not in roblox.

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You just called it ridiculous for it to be personal preference then explained how it is personal preference. Objectivity can only bring you so far before its ultimately up to which form of input you as an individual perform best with.

Anyways, this whole tangent aside the original argument was very broad and tried arguing PC as a whole being more capable in competitive games which I disagreed with and stated how there are people who use a controller and do just fine even competitively.

I event supported the idea of optional crossplay, just with it being the player choice (As a PC player using a controller like me may still want to have the increased playerbase that is crossplay)

I said it’s not entirely personal preference. Obviously it’s possible for someone to be good at controller and bad at kbm. You might be able to use a controller better than kbm, but that doesn’t change the fact that kbm is better suited for this type of genre than controller is.

You can literally do the math here. With a mouse I can do a 180 in 20ms. With a thumbstick it takes however long the developer wants it to take, and if I want to increase my 180 speed I have to decrease my fine movement accuracy. A mouse simply doesn’t have these handicaps, so if I were to use a controller against a mouse player, and we both had to do 180s, the mouse player would win every time.

It should be optional - it should be the developer’s option.