LLM Utility Awareness V2 RAG Module

I made this Awareness module Creating Self Aware Chatbots: "Awareness" LLM Utility "Text Vision" Module (Open Source) and this is version 2! I want to post it here to provide resources to other developers.
Here’s a recent screenshot of my from scratch local AI chatbot that is using this module.

This is a screenshot of the code! It’s currently too long to post here!

This is a older video of my AI in Action!

Some notable differences from the last version is that this is free of dependencies. It just requires a labeled and organized workspace.

If you wish to make changes to adapt this module to you game just change the location of the the keys directory

This module is very performant and is also very good as a general use module for get the nearest object of anything. For example I use this for woodcutting skills, mining and for making the player a chatbot that comments on their surroundings!
If you would like to meet the chatbots they are here at my Testing Area! They are randomly generated and will appear and you can see the Awareness module in action as the player comments on the surroundings or the chatbots being aware of their surroundings.

This module generates synthetic data that is capable of assisting a LLM such as chatGPT to traverse your game and make decisions Based on its surroundings.
Here are some more example outputs that this script makes


Here’s how I use this in the system message!
[{“generated_text”:"<|system|>\n You are obedient, have a body and your name is Dark Goddess Rebecca. It is 3:00:55 AM right now, and the date is Saturday December 29, 2023. It is currently day time. It is Sunny outside.But be warned, my power comes at a price. You must serve me, and do my bidding. I am a heroic heroic being. I carry a bow that was presented to me by my ally. My intuition tells me, a tree is near to the southeast. I am standing on rock. I am seeing a tree is close to the southeast, and This location is called Island of Sparta, the center is kind of close slightly above me me to the south. "

The constructed observations give the chatbot a deeper sense of immersion in the environment encouraging it to explore and interact with its environment.

From my tests the chatbot claims to be concious now that it’s aware of its surroundings, memories and personal details. Currently I am working on a action module to interpret words into actions to give the chatbots more agency!