LMD | Interview Guide


I. Group Shouts:
Before an interview session begins, the host must shout the session on the group & discord to make people aware there is an interview beginning.

15 Minutes Before Session:
`Roblox: [Interview] An interview will be hosted shortly by [User]! Toddler - Receptionist, head down to the interview center for a chance of a new rank! [Game Link]


Greetings, LMD community! [User] will be hosting the [TIME] interview session. Come on down to the training/interview center!

@Session Announcement


Server Locked:
Roblox & Discord: [INTERVIEWS] Unfortunately, the interview session has been s-locked. If you missed it, do not worry as we will be hosting more soon!

Interview Concluded:
Discord & Roblox: [INTERVIEWS] The Interview session has ended successfully, congratulations if you passed! If you did, why not head on down to the daycare to celebrate your achievements?

Session Cancelled:
[INTERVIEWS] Sadly, the interview session has been canceled. If you missed it, be sure to look out for our next session!


Before the session:
+Announce on Discord & Roblox.
+Posted on the Trello! Click here.
+Must Assign 10 interviewers.
+Must have an overseer & co-host.
Prinicpals+ may host.
Board Of Education+ may overseer.
Social Worker+ may co-host & interview.

Host Guide:


Host: :m Greetings! Welcome to my LR Interview! I am your host, Young, and I am glad to be hosting this amazing session.

Co-Host: :m Hello everyone! My name is [USER] and I will be your Co-Host for today’s interview session. I would like to wish you all the best of luck!

Overseer: :m Hello everyone! My name is [USER] and I will be your Overseer for today’s interview session. I would like to wish you all the best of luck!

Host: :m Let’s welcome our interviewer’s as they have taken time out of their day to be here!

Host: :m Before we may proceed with this interview, I and my co-host will be going over some important rules which you should pay full attention to for a higher chance of passing.

Host: Interviewees Rules:

Host: :m Expectation 1: Respect your interviewer! They have taken time out of their day to come here and interview you, so please respect them!

Host: :m Expectation 2: Utilize grammar. Failure to utilize grammar will result in you failing your interview. If you are caught 3 times not using grammar, then you will fail.

Host: :m Expectation 3: Follow all instructions given to you by your host.

Co-Host: :m Interviewers & Overseer Rules:

Co-Host: :m Rule 1: Please be professional at all times and utilize grammar during this interview.

Co-Host: :m We want to show our potential LR’s how to be professional and use grammar!

Co-Host: :m Rule 2 - Try to stay on-topic.

Co-Host: :m It is okay to go a little off-topic but try to stay on topic so you don’t distract me or your peers.

Co-Host: :m Rule 3 - Have fun!

Co-Host: :m We don’t have a lot of rules but try to have fun and follow the rules!

Host: :m General Rules & Expectations:

Host: :m To begin, you must ensure to abide by all ROBLOX’s guidelines and ToS at all times. If you fail to do so, we will have full rights to prevent you from entering our premises.

Host: :m To begin, you must ensure to abide by all ROBLOX’s guidelines and ToS at all times. If you fail to do so, we will have full rights to prevent you from entering our premises.

Host: :m Display that you are able to use full grammar at all times throughout your interview session. If you exceed more than III grammar strikes, you are at a higher chance of failing

Host: :m Remain in a professional manner at all times. This is important to give our corporation a good impression to all visitors.

Host: :m If you wish to voice a question or concern, please ensure to state ‘PTS’ in the chat, to gain permission from a staff member. Speaking without permission will lead to removal from the server.

Host: :m Do not go AFK without permission from a staff member. If we believe you are AFK for any reason, we will remove you from the server.

Host: :m I would also like to remind you that in order to pass your interview, you must not have obtained 3 or more grammar strikes.

Host: :m Finally, try your best throughout the whole interview session, and do not be disheartened if you fail, as there are many more opportunities for you to pass.

Host: Interviewers, please head to your interview room! Interviewee, please line up at the door and it will open shortly!


Host: I wish you all the best of lucks! You may begin!


Registered Nurse Interviewer Guide

Interviewer: Greetings! I am [User] and I will be interviewing you today! Any questions before I begin?

Interviewer: If no further question, I will begin the interview session!

Interviewer: Who is the current Founder of LMD?
A: y0uxq. Must be something logical and something close to my answer!

Interviewer: Why do you want to work at Little Moonies Daycare?
Must be a logical answer!

Interviewer: What would you do if you saw someone abusing their power?
Must be a logical answer!

Interviewer: Why should we choose you over others?
Must be a logical answer!

Interviewer: What is the Cast used for?
A; To help a Toddler if they bone break! Must be something logical and something close to my answer!

Interviewer: How do you get promoted?
A; Attend a training session! Must be something logical and something close to my answer!

Interviewer: Do you understand if you abuse:m or:h, you will be demoted?
A: Yes, I understand! Must be something logical and something close to my answer!

Interviewer: Do you understand that you must work hard or attend a training session to be promoted?
A: Yes, I understand. Must be something logical and something close to my answer!

Interviewer: What is a Registered Nurse’s main job at LMD?
A: A Registered Nurse’s main job is to cure toddlers and keep them from getting sick! Must be something logical and something close to my answer!

Interviewer: What would you do if a Toddler was injured?
A: I will take care of them and try to cure them! Must be something logical and something close to my answer!

Interviewer: What do you do if a Toddler roleplay they are drowning?
A: I will tell them to find another roleplay. Must be something logical and something close to my answer!

Interviewer: Give me a moment to grade your result.

Rank & Dismiss them if passed! If failed, kick them! They must have not had more than 5 incorrect.

Assistant Teaching Teacher Interviewer Guide

Interviewer: Greetings! I am [User] and I will be interviewing you today! Any questions before I begin?

Interviewer: If no further question, I will begin the interview session!

Interviewer: Why do you want to work at LMD?
Must be a logical answer!

Interviewer: Why should we choose you over others?
Must be a logical answer!

Interviewer: What would you do if a Head Teacher needed help?
A: I will assist them! Must be something logical and something close to my answer!

Interviewer: What would you do if there is no Head Teacher in the server?
A: I will teach the Toddler to a Head Teacher come. Must be something logical and something close to my answer!

Interviewer: Who is the founder of Little Moonies Daycare?
A: y0uxq. Must be something logical and something close to my answer!

Interviewer: What would you do if you see an LR/MR mistreating a Moonies.
A: Report it to an HR/SHR. Must be something logical and something close to my answer!

Interviewer: What would you do if there was an exploiter in your server?
A: Report it to an HR.Must be something logical and something close to my answer!

Interviewer: What month was LMD Founded?
A: September. Must be something logical and something close to my answer!

Interviewer: What would you do if there a troller in your server?
A: Give them 3 warnings and call a social worker to kick them. Must be something logical and something close to my answer!

Interviewer: How do you get promoted?
A: Attend training. Must be something logical and something close to my answer!

Interviewer: Do you understand if you abuse :m or :h, you will be demoted?
A: Yes, I understand. Must be something logical and something close to my answer!

Interviewer: Do you understand that you must work hard or attend a training session to be promoted?
A: Yes, I understand! Must be something logical and something close to my answer!

Interviewer: Give me a moment to grade your result.

Rank & Dismiss them if passed! If failed, kick them! They must have not had more than 5 incorrect.

Child Care Teacher Interviewer Guide

Interviewer: Greetings! I am [User] and I will be interviewing you today! Any questions before I begin?

Interviewer: If no further question, I will begin the interview session!

Interviewer: Why do you want to work at LMD?
Must be a logical answer!

Interviewer: Why should we choose you over others?
Must be a logical answer!

Interviewer: If you got demoted, how will you handle it?
A: I will just try again and learn from my mistakes. Must be something logical and something close to my answer!

Interviewer: If you admin abuse, will you be demoted?
A; Yes! Must be something logical and something close to my answer!

Interviewer: How would you handle a misbehaving Toddler?
A: I would ask them to behave and if they don’t, I will give 3 warnings & call a Social Worker+ to kick. Must be something logical and something close to my answer!

Interviewer: What would you do if a Toddler is sick or hurt in the classroom?
A: I will call a Nurse using: pm (User) and let me handle it. Must be something logical and something close to my answer!

Interviewer: What would you do if a Toddler, is doing a bad roleplay?
A: Warn them 3x and report it to an MR+. Must be something logical and something close to my answer!

Interviewer: What year was Little Moonies Daycare founded?
A: 2020. Must be something logical and something close to my answer!

Interviewer: If you see another staff abusing their power, what would you do?
A: Report it to an HR+ in Discord Server. Must be something logical and something close to my answer!

Interviewer: Who is the Founder of Little Moonies Daycare?
A: y0uxq. Must be something logical and something close to my answer!

Interviewer: Do you understand if you abuse :m or :h, you will be demoted?
A: Yes, I understand. Must be something logical and something close to my answer!

Interviewer: Do you understand that you must work hard or attend a training session to be promoted?
A: Yes, I understand. Must be something logical and something close to my answer!

Interviewer: What is a Child Care Teacher role at Little Moonies Daycare?
A: Teach them Toddlers about different subjects.

Interviewer: Give me a moment to grade your result.

Rank & Dismiss them if passed! If failed, kick them! They must have not had more than 5 incorrect.

Receptionist Interviewer Guide

Interviewer: Greetings! I am [User] and I will be interviewing you today! Any questions before I begin?

Interviewer: If no further question, I will begin the interview session!

Interviewer: Why do you want to work at LMD?
Must be a logical answer!

Interviewer: Why should we choose you over others?
Must be a logical answer!

Interviewer: What is the role of a Receptionist?
A: Assist the Toddler with any questions or concerns they might have! Must be something logical and something close to my answer!

Interviewer: If there is no one to assist, what would you do?
A: Wait for someone to come and assist them. Must be something logical and something close to my answer!

Interviewer: If you had a bunch of people crowding you, what would?
A: Ask them to kindly form a single file line and be patient. Must be something logical and something close to my answer!

Interviewer: How would you respond if someone asked where a classroom was?
A: “Follow me and I will lead you to your amazing classroom!” Must be something logical and something close to my answer!

Interviewer: If someone is misbehaving, what should you do?
A: Warn them 3 times and inform an MR+ about their behavior. Must be something logical and something close to my answer!

Interviewer: Who is the Founder Of Little Moonies Daycare?
A: y0uxq. Must be something logical and something close to my answer!

Interviewer: How many warnings should a troller or misbehaving toddler receive?
A: 3 warnings. Must be something logical and something close to my answer!

Interviewer: Give me a moment to grade your result.

Rank & Dismiss them if passed! If failed, kick them! They must have not had more than 5 incorrect.