Load Character by UserId

Is there a way for me to make a dummy into a Roblox player by using their UserId? Just keeping the question plain and simple.


You can make one player look like another with CharacterAppearanceId.

You can get the info that that uses with GetCharacterApperanceInfoAsync and build your dummy from that info.

Edit: People keep finding this. Use Load Character by UserId - #6 by Tom_atoes instead


If you want to do it with a script, you can use GetCharacterAppearanceAsync or if you just want to import a player, you could instead use the following plugin:


Would I use their humanoid to use this?

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There are values in the table returned by that method which correspond to humanoid scales and colors.

I guess you could give your dummy a humanoid and modify its properties accordingly, but

  1. I’m not sure how or if a humanoid would modify a dummy’s scale and colors in that way. It probably would.
  2. The names of the properties in the table don’t match up exactly with the properties of Humanoids. So you’ll need to do some guessing. For instance, scales.bodyType is probably Humanoid.RigType
	scales = {
		bodyType = 0,
		head = 1,
		height = 1.05,
		proportion = 0,
		depth = 0.92,
		width = 0.85
	bodyColors = {
		leftArmColorId = 1030,
		torsoColorId = 1001,
		rightArmColorId = 1030,
		headColorId = 1030,
		leftLegColorId = 1001,
		rightLegColorId = 1001
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You can use HumanoidDescriptions for this.

The Players Service has a function known as GetHumanoidDescriptionFromUserId(userId). When this is called it will return a new HumanoidDescription. Using this HumanoidDescription you can apply it to a humanoid with Humanoid:ApplyDescription(HumanoidDescription).

Pseudo code:

local id = 26266254
local dummy = workspace.Dummy

local newHumanoidDescription = game.Players:GetHumanoidDescriptionFromUserId(id)


Welp, there’s the right answer :slight_smile:


Unfortunately, I don’t believe this works anymore, I’m getting some really weird effects when attempting to importing a character via all methods stated on this post.

Is there a new method of importing characters via UserId which are R6?

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This is a Roblox bug at the moment, I’ve run into this issue myself. You will have to create your own character loader or to use a plugin to do so.

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There is no fix to this at all? Because this seems to be happening for over a year now

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The way I import characters no matter if R6 or R15 is by using the Players:CreateHumanoidModelFromUserId code in the command bar.

It would look something like this:
game.Players:CreateHumanoidModelFromUserId(INSERT USERID HERE).Parent = workspace
Not sure if that’s been covered yet but this always worked for me so far.

As for the way to load HumanoidDescriptions I sadly don’t know a working method without this buggy accessory stuff but I shall try and find a way.


Thank you for the new method, just a quick heads up there is a typo in your line of code:

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Whoops! Thanks for spotting that one!

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