Load Character Plugin

Then I think you should put the category as #help-and-feedback:creations-feedback, as that is 10x less confusing.

It’s like Uber and Lyft. Sure, Lyft can help people move around, but Uber is the original. As the creator of Load Character Lite said above, it doesn’t help anyone. Also, as I said above, it should be put in #help-and-feedback:creations-feedback if it’s apparently meant for feedback. OP still hasn’t changed it though.

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Not sure why people are really hating on this, he just said he made it for fun and learning. Sure, he could’ve copied the code but I don’t think so, he did it a different way and I think it’s cool. Plus this is from a creator that’s not in a controversial background and AlreadyPro’s plugin has broken several times.


There’s already a plugin that does exactly this. Shoudnt of wasted your time remaking something that does the exact same thing.

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That’s like telling someone to not waste time making small projects like simulators. Sure it might hot be original but it’s a learning experience. They have a reference, something to base their plugin on, something to replicate so it’s easier to understand the basics and get the foundations of a plugin right.


What a stupid comment from such a respected developer.


Honestly his plugin doesn’t even work half the time either.


My character in R6 has another body.

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Maybe you should just recognize that this guy made this plugin for fun and decided to share it instead of pretending you have a monopoly on character load plugins. Grow up.


What about the creator of Moon Animator?

Have you thouroughly tested this one to see if it ever breaks?

Well, they’re still learning, and this seems to be a testing skills/learning. But they NEED to put it in #help-and-feedback:creations-feedback, as multiple plugins already exist for this and this is supposedly a learning thing.

As I keep saying: If it’s just a learning thing, they should put it in #help-and-feedback:creations-feedback instead. As I’ve not heard anyone who uses this plugin on a daily basis, so it’s not really a useful “resource”.

Change the category. I’m begging you.

Not to start an argument but,

Regardless if people use it or not it is still a resource for other people to use. There are tons of anti cheats, asset packs and admin scripts that all do practically the same thing, yet are still posted here, because it is a resource that other people can use.
If he didn’t want to let other people use it, yes he would’ve posted it in help-and-feedback:creations-feedback

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Yep, I put it in this category so others can use it if they want. I’m also getting feedback and suggestions on the plugin to improve in plugin creation this way. Also I don’t see any issues with the plugin, I’ve fixed a lot.


About this, will look into it.


Thank you for your bug report. This has now been fixed.


well im actually going to compare this to alreadypro’s plugin later
edit: so far its a widget so i dont have to openclose it all the time, good job

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But they don’t have one single purpose. An admin script could have different commands. An asset pack can have different assets. A load character plugin is not like that. It only has one purpose; to load a character by username. Sure, if this had an added feature, I would reconsider this, but it doesn’t.

You should try making a blocky to Rthro converter

Last time I checked, there were no controversy over Moon Animator? I could be wrong.

Yeah I do agree with moving it into Cool Creations, this could be potentially more reliable than Load Character though (based on my friends experiences, it hasn’t always worked well, I stopped using Load Character a while ago and switched to Moon and Moon has always worked really well for me)

Exactly. I honestly think the Resources rules needs to be set out more clearly though (e.g. I’m working on a plugin but I’m probably going to end up putting it in Cool Creations, because it’s not really useful since it’s a dependency for other plugins).

Yeah, that’s probably the one thing this has over Load Character or Moon Animator.

it also means that less stuff is polluting game.CoreGui lol