Loading a players original look after using a custom character

Im currently trying to create a module that will load a custom rig provided as a parameter, but also load the character back to how they originally looked.

this is a test place with everything I am working with:
example.rbxl (43.1 KB)

so, what is the problem?

the character turns into the custom rig as expected, then turns back into the original character. however some of my accessories have been moved:

my wing accessory has been moved up making my character look funky.
my default walking animations seem to be missing as well.
after doing a bit of research I believe ApplyDescription() may be to blame as other people seem to be having offset issues as well when using it.
I wanted to use GetCharacterAppearanceAsync() which would have created a nice little model for me to use but that has been depreciated.
I could use GetCharacterAppearanceInfoAsync(), but it returns a big table of info which I don’t even know where to start on how to apply that to my character.

without using the broken ApplyDescription() function how else can I go about loading the player as they looked when they initially joined?

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To be honest, Humanoid:ApplyDescription() would be the best way to go about this. I suggest you use the following code snippet to load the player’s original appearance:

local desc = game.Players:GetHumanoidDescriptionFromUserId(player.UserId)

I know you prefer not to use this function, but it is the best way to do what you need.

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I know I can simply move my wing accessory down a little to fix the offset, but I’m worried that it wont fix all other possible accessory issues.

is it just wing accessories with this issue and if not what other items should I be trying to correct?

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Instead of using apply humanoid desc, save a duplicate player.Character model in SS and when changing back to the original character change player.Character to the copy of the model (I recommend not to use the original).


that works very nicely, thank you.

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