Loading animation causing character to freak out/potentially go NaN/distort & stretch

Happening in my game, too, whenever a character equips a tool.

Nah its happening in cilents as well not just studio, but yeah hopefully it gets fixed asap

How do we disable AnimationWeightedBlendingFix?

This is pretty hilarious tbh.

Go into the properties of Workspace and set AnimationWeightedBlendingFix to disabled.

Really? This is a huge issue then.

can confirm, when characters are spawning the whole server crashes

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Yep. Every player in my game has this issue as it’s fully R6 based with animations.

epiccc. very very cooool. I hope it will be fixed soon

This also effects mobile and default tool animations (even without custom animations) so any gear too as well as r15

stopped happening in my game, was it fixed?

Seems like the flag was actually FFlagNewRuntimeReserveFixes – and it is resolved (disabled) in new servers! Thanks engineers!


As badcc mentioned this should be resolved now! If any more issues occur please let us know in a new bug report. :tada:


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