I am trying to position my loading bar “top” to the left to have a smooth load from left to right rather than in the photo where it’s “middle to left and right.”
I’ve already changed size and position to a scale point and it still won’t budge.
local AssetsToLoad = workspace:WaitForChild("Map"):WaitForChild("Front"):GetDescendants()
local TotalAssets = #AssetsToLoad/4.5
local barBase = loadingScreen.Bar
local barBG = barBase.Clipping
local bar = barBG.Top
local txt = barBase.txt
local RPLogo = loadingScreen.Logo
for i = 0, TotalAssets do
local v = AssetsToLoad[i]
local amt = i/TotalAssets
txt.Text = "Assets: "..i.." / "..TotalAssets
bar.Size = UDim2.new(amt,0,1,0)