Hello. I’m not that familiar with GUI tweens so when I saw this I wasn’t really sure how to fix it. I tried switching the easing style and easing direction, but it didn’t change anything. Here is my problem:
robloxapp-20210804-1345536.wmv (528.8 KB)
Here is the tween script:
local style = Enum.EasingStyle.Sine game.ReplicatedStorage.Loaded.OnServerEvent:Connect(function() wait(2) script.Parent.Parent.Visible = true script.Parent:TweenSize(UDim2.new(0.333, 0,0.744, 0), Enum.EasingDirection.InOut, style, .5) wait(2) script.Parent:TweenSize(UDim2.new(0.605, 0,0.744, 0), Enum.EasingDirection.InOut, style, .5) wait(1.5) script.Parent:TweenSize(UDim2.new(1.001, 0,0.744, 0), Enum.EasingDirection.InOut, style, .2) wait(.4) script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent:Destroy() end)
And here is my workspace:
Thank you in advance!