im trying to create a voting system where players vote for a players design. I need to access every player in the servers playergui locally and I cant seem to find a way to. Anyone know a good work around to this?
This is my current script, it works but dosent update and only makes the gui players spawn with. changing the gui dosent update the tag.
while wait(3) do
for _, plr in pairs(game.Players:GetChildren()) do
local tag = script:FindFirstChild("Design")
local clone = tag:Clone()
local top = plr.PlayerGui.Designing.Frame.Top
local base = top.Base:Clone()
base.Parent = clone.Design
clone.Design.Image = top.Image
if plr:FindFirstChild("Design") then
clone.Parent = plr
clone.Parent = plr
Again, not trying to do that. I dont need to turn on a gui for all players. I need to make a gui for every player in the server to see there design (its a fashion game) and then players vote there favourite