Loading Screen Feedback?

The % says to be calculated is just a placeholder since the game isn’t done, there isn’t much to load and I wouldn’t be able to showcase it because it would load in about a ~second.




In my opinion, the ‘ping’ fits better. Probably because the icon is pixelated or 8-bit themed. But that also works. : P

I removed the original ping sound because I remembered it’s the notification sound from the Wii made by Nintendo, and I don’t think Nintendo will appreciate that I’m using their sounds very much.

I’ll see if I can make/find any 8-bit notification sounds, thanks!

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Omg how did you do this? This is so cool! I really like it, good job!

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Thank you!!

All of the icons are from Lucide, the rest is quite simple, the flash where the logo lights up is just tweenservice with the bounce easing style, and once it’s loaded it just plays a little sound.

all the code
	while true and script.Parent.BG.LoadCircle.Image == "rbxassetid://8039152503" do
		script.Parent.BG.LoadCircle.Rotation += 7

local ToLoad = {

for i,v in pairs(game:GetDescendants()) do
	table.insert(ToLoad, v)

print("Items to load:", #ToLoad)

local loadeditems = 0


game:GetService("TweenService"):Create(script.Parent.BG.GameLogo, TweenInfo.new(1, Enum.EasingStyle.Bounce, Enum.EasingDirection.Out), {
	ImageColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255)

script.Parent.BG.Percentage.Text = "Downloading Data.."
script.Parent.BG.LoadCircle.Image = "rbxassetid://8039385207"
script.Parent.BG.LoadCircle.Rotation = 0

local Status, Data = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").CoreRemotes.LoadData:InvokeServer()

if Status == false then
	script.Parent.BG.LoadCircle.Image = "rbxassetid://8039694833"
	script.Parent.BG.Percentage.Text = tostring(Data)

print("got data, :", Data)

script.Parent.BG.Percentage.Text = "Done!"
script.Parent.BG.LoadCircle.Image = "rbxassetid://8039241495"
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change the logo from your feedback, make words a different color and make simple all pink, then it would look like simple swords. also, below the you ready to go put 100% or something and animate the downloading data from the cloud thing also that cloud does NOT look like a cloud, and the you’re ready to go sound effect is not good, change it back to how it was. the 8 bit notification sound is better.

i did, but it looked terrible and it looked like it said “Simple Words”

ive changed this to “Done!”

too much effort to animate it due to how complicated roblox makes 2d animating, i’ll use a different download icon

i’ve changed it into a different 8bit sound :+1:

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Very well done! It is very smooth transitions, and personally I like the color combo. Great job!

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it looks like imple swords and simple words right now i was saying to have two of ‘s’ and two different colors for each word

Any better?

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I like where you’re going, however, there are some aspects you need to improve on, such as:

  • Font style
    The clean font that says “You’re ready to go!” doesn’t really match the 8-bit retro style you’re aiming for.

  • Color palette
    Make sure the colours you use aren’t too diverse: having two contrasting colours, such as blue and red, can be very nice to your game, however, if you add more colours, for example, green or orange, it may become a bit too chaotic and less appealing.

On the other hand, I enjoy some aspects you’ve added such as:

  • Animation of the game title
  • Use of icons to add more details
  • Gradient background

To conclude, I think your design is very promising. Tweak some things here and there and I think you got yourself a fine intro!

Thanks for the kind words! Earlier today I changed it to this:
And as for the font, I’m trying to make a 8-bit modern design, kinda a mix of the two. And I agree as for the vast amount of colours, I agree and I am trying to keep it as simple as possible :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

EDIT: Sound quality isn’t great, sounds better in game


yes, this is better now, but maybe make ‘imple’ also pink?

I did make imple pink while re-creating it, but it didn’t look too good, so I just deleted the pink version.

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This is really satisfying please don’t change it one bit, it’s honestly really cool. I love it! <3

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