I’ve already made a post talking about this, but I didn’t really focus on this issue.
I’m trying to make a loading screen for a game, but the default loading screen still shows up for a second. I used the :RemoveDefaultLoadingScreen(), but it still shows it for a split second. I’m trying to create a seamless transition between games and this ruins the effect. I saw people mention that the game takes a second to create the server, but then how does Entry Point do this? (That’s really one of the few games that I’ve seen that has does this.)
I know it’s possible, but I just haven’t seen anyone mention this issue. I’ve watched tutorials to see if they have the same issue and they do but never address it. I’ve tried everything and have no idea what to do anymore. Is there anyway to completely get rid of the default loading screen?
How/where have you used the :RemoveDefaultLoadingScreen()? I remember a while ago I had the same issues. If I recall correctly, you have to do something along the lines of putting a LocalScript in ReplicatedFirst. As the name suggests, the ReplicatedFirst service replicates instances to the client before anything else. In this LocalScript, you would parent a ScreenGui (your custom loading screen) to the PlayerGui, and then :RemoveDefaultLoadingScreen(). From there, you can make it so that your loading screen stays on until the game is loaded.
I put it in a LocalScript and I did parent the ScreenGui to the PlayerGui. Getting it to stay isn’t the issue for me, it’s getting rid of the default loading screen.
So when you load the game for the first time it will always show the loading screen for a fraction of a second, however, when you transfer between places within the same world, you’re able to send the ui to the place you’re teleporting to, it’s impossible to remove the beginning one just due to how roblox set it up
There’s a short period as part of the loading screen where the client hasn’t connected to the server running your game yet, and so none of your code is running on the client. This period always exists, but can vary from a fraction of a second (fast internet) to minutes (trying to join into a full server). During this period, the Roblox loading screen will always show.
As far as I know, it is not possible to completely remove the default loading screen. The happens because the script that removed the default loading screen needs to actually be loaded first. You can minimize the time as much as possible by placing the script somewhere that the client will load it fastest.
The developer hub about Loading screens have already mentioned there will always be a delay
Removing the Default
Once the custom screen is configured, the default loading screen should be removed. Note that a short delay occurs when waiting for PlayerGui, so RemoveDefaultLoadingScreen() should be called after the custom loading screen is created and parented.