Loading screen me and my friend made works on only 1 subplace

so uh… i made a loading screen for my old roblox simulator… well not originally mines but my friend made it (@Malte0621), and i re-scripted it to make it work the only issue about this is that it only works on ONLY 1 subplace of my roblox game.

heres the subplace i am talking about (an experience called “welcome to wareblox building” inside of a game called wareblox)

and on the other subplaces, they are broken. here’s the rbxm file of the loading screen me and my friend made: WAREBLOXLoadingScreen.rbxm (6.7 KB)

Can you give us more information about what is ‘broken’ please.

it doesn’t show up in the subplaces. probably because of how many bricks it has that causes the loading screen to stop working

what is the difference between the subplace it does work in and any that it does not?