Loading UI Help

I’m hoping to create a loading gui in-game. I have an ImageLabel which is acting as the bar that moves. Is it possible to make it grow bigger on the x axis while keeping it’s shape? When I’ve tried scaling the bar, it gets really deformed.

This is what it looks like when it's full

But when I scale it to how it would start on a players screen,

This happens

Please let me know what scale type I should use or if I should do something else.

As long as you’re using Scale for the size and position, you should be fine. Can you share the code used?

That’s a problem with using a rounded bar. To make it better, you could parent the blue bar(make sure it’s always full) to an invisible frame and turn on ClipDescendants for the frame. Then simply tween the invisible frame.


Sorry for the late reply, should I TweenSize the invisible frame or TweenPosition it? If I just move the frame normally, the curvature of the loading bar turns into 90 degree corners.

Well you just need to tween the size. As you tween it, the invisible frame gets larger and so does your blue bar.

Did you scaled it perfectly? You may use UI Scale plugin and try again.

Once again, I apologise for the late reply. Is it possible you could show me how you’re sizing it? If I change the size of the invisible frame on the x axis, the loading bar gets smaller on the y axis.

Well just read this, I’m not really good at explaining.