Loads of lag when 4 people play my tycoon,

Hello there my fellow robloxians, i am working on a game called Galatic Warfare tycoon

when 4 players are playing the tycoon. somtimes the game slows down. like the parts that have been dropped slowdown and wont move, How can i fix this issue. Anythoughts? please leave them down below.

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Its a physics issue probably.

Animate the parts using CFrames to fix it I would guess.

Good luck!

Or setting the network ownership of the parts to the tycoon’s owner


@gillern @DeepBlueNoSpace this is what the lagg looks like https://gyazo.com/aca47a407b477b4a45fbd268d84b9875.gif

Gillern’s idea is pretty solid actually, but CFraming them instead of using physics would also be better

I tried this in my tycoon, and players on lower-end devices seemed to suffer because the physics calculated very slowly for them.

what I noticed in the gif is a pretty big amount of parts
whether you use CFrame on server or put the player in charge of the parts’ physics, I think it would be a good idea to reduce/limit the count of existing parts, atleast so that more parts would not come out if the existing ones are already lagging the process a lot

well because the physics slowdown the loop wont slow down, then it will generate more lag, but your right i should decreese the parts limit

Hi, you should try to use Network Ownership in the drop parts to reduce the server lag.

However keep in mind when doing this, all the drop’s physics will run off of the client, and too many drops could still end up lagging them.

I use this in my games and have no issues though.

I’d connect it through the owner name value in the tycoon model.


*Edit, I didn’t know somebody already posted this. Whoops.

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Take a look at the microprofiler. That should give you a good idea of what’s causing the lag.

well its physics lag, the ram and other stay low.