Lobby Design: How should I do it?

Greetings! I am working on the next generation lobby, but I am not sure how to begin.

The lobby is for a racing game.

Thanks in advance!


I think you should try to visualize what you want or go to in other race games and maybe try to get inspiration off of that.


There is a lot of ways a lobby could be done so it’s not easy to give a good single idea.

  1. Some people make lobbies outside of the area of the gameplay. Like a square-cartoony lobby for example.

  2. You could make a lobby inside the racing stadium from maybe a skybox or concession stand area.

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Hey @BillB1ox!

Why do you need a lobby?

You’re creating a racing game, in a situation like this loading the character and an enclosed space for them to watch others race doesn’t make sense.

You’re better of creating a UI HUD that’ll let you spectate other racers, watch from a free camera POV.

What you’re proposing is possibly a point of inefficiency in your gameloop. I’ll help anyways.

Build for purpose, will this lobby showcase maps? Player leaderboards? Find EVERYTHING that makes sense to you in a list and bring that together.

Then choose a theme, I’d suggest a racing garage, that way if you really wanted to you can segue the start of every round with players’ cars zipping out of the garage itself into the track.

Form and aesthetic needs to intermingle. Having a lobby without an inherent usecase is wasteful and hurts the player’s experience. Think it over before you go through with it

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You could add a leaderboard and maybe even and obby or some minigames. Also, you could make add a spectator box…

Already exists actually in the current old lobby.

Not possible to do because the place where you race is different than the one in the lobby.

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The games matchmaking system is similar to this popular game along with an option of cross-server matchmaking. The lobby is to allow friends to easily race with each other

If you are looking for lobby designs, I suggest looking online, or explore other game lobbies for references on what you want to build. That should give your mind some inspiration on how you want the lobby to look. That is what I normally do for all of my builds.

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Thanks for the feedback everyone!

The lobby will be live June 18, 2022 at 3:00 PM MST at this game:

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