Lobby Ideas for an Elimination Game

Hi! So I’m creating an elimination game and I’m trying to create a lobby to start off with the building process. However, I’m having problems envisioning a lobby for the game.

Description of the game:

  • A bright colorful game. Kinda like a rainbow theme.
  • A gameshow
  • Includes 10 players per game.
  • Might include a game shop

Hopefully some can help me with ideas for the lobby.
Thank you!! <3

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If I were you, I’d go through some showcases on lobbies and genres for your game to get a starting point. Coming up with a building style for your game is always one of the hardest aspects of creating Experiences. I would always suggest taking a step back, go on Pinterest, go through a few structures that interest you, and try implementing them into your game.


It might be a better idea to make a map first. Then you could determine the style and possibly implement elements from the maps into your lobby, making it more united.

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But, here are some ideas for a lobby anyways:

  • City style
  • Different biomes (speedrace by master daniel uses this)

I recommend to look at lobbies from games like MM2, epic minigames, speed race.

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