Local Environment

So, my good friend @DeveloperSolo and I are making a super sci-fi mining game. One thing that’s been on my mind since I started building the map, is a local environment. We have different planets that you go through as you grow in the game. But, you also start on Earth. Having a game teleportation system is really annoying, so we’re trying to stay away from doing that. For the planets, the time will have to be set to midnight within the “lighting” section in Workspace. But on the starter planet, Earth, we need it to be set to something around 2 PM. Which is mid day.

So I guess what I am wondering, is with things like Player GUI, local sounds, and local scripts, only the player can see/hear them. Is this something that would be possible to have with the Sky and Lighting area? Have it set to a time of day that is different for each player?

Yes, I am guessing it is possible… first u will probably have an defoult skybox and then u will change it by local script

Never tried it, but I can see it being possible. Doing it in a LocalScript would make the client alone see the changes.
An example:

-- in a LocalScript
local lighting = game:GetService("Lighting")
lighting.TimeOfDay = -- TimeOfDay you wish

Hope this helps :slight_smile:

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