Local RBXasset Previewer

My first time making a plugin, here we go:

Local RBXasset Previewer

I was surprised that there was no plugin, or another convenient way to preview the rbxasset content icons, so I made a plugin for that. With Local RBXasset Previewer, you can preview all the content icons in one place, or search for them. Then, you can easily insert a selected icon into your game.

Before, you would have to:

  • Find your local Roblox installation, then find the textures folder

  • Find the icon you wanted to use, likely having to navigate through many subfolders

  • Convert the icon name into the rbxasset image string.

Now, you just do this: What previously took a multiple minutes at least, now takes just a few seconds.

Get the plugin here


This plugin is a godsend, We were working on support for XBOX + PS5 for our game and needed images, this plugin made finding the icons SOOO easy.

Thanks for making this plugin!

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