Ok , so im doing building system, specifically a block that is visible to local player only showing where the block will be placed but i have problems with position alignment
I have server script that place block when remote event fired so i took and copy piece of code that does position and rotation alignment and pasted it in local script but im having troubles, its offset, and offset is bigger when parts are more rotated
on the server script, it works normally with no errors and offsets. Vaules from the local and the server script are the same. here is the piece of code that does it
if ray then
if table.find(ray.Instance:GetTags(), "Build") then
part.Position = (part.CFrame:VectorToWorldSpace(ray.Normal) * 2 + ray.Instance.Position)
part.Rotation = ray.Instance.Rotation
if table.find(part:GetTags(), "Interactive") then
part.CFrame = part.CFrame * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(X), math.rad(Y), math.rad(Z))
part.Position = Vector3.new(roundToNumber(ray.Position.X,1.999), roundToNumber(ray.Position.Y,1.999), roundToNumber(ray.Position.Z,1.999))