Local Script is disabling another script for an unknow reason

I have one local script in starter GUI that equips weapons, this script works fineish. and in the weapons, I equip I have a combat local script. Both of these scripts function off of contextActionservice, to equip and shoot the weapons
Heres a video of me using the Local script in the starter GUI
robloxapp-20211229-1422021.wmv (872.6 KB)
Now this works fine, Only if the combat script is disabled
but when I enable the combat scripts on the weapons, the equipping script doesn’t work, with the first slot. Btw the first slot is a shotgun.

I don’t know how to fix this, and I’m not getting any errors
When i equip the pistol/Slot2 i can’t equip the shotgun, even if i unequip the pistol

I had context action names the same for different actions. I just need to rename them