I know this is so obvious its going to be embarrassing once I figure it out, I have looked over this more times I can count, just can not see why it is not running, Checked all the syntax and any reason why it would be waiting, I tried to remove a :WaitForChild() and replace it with a wait(.1) at the top, still nothing…
-- Made by 12904(Builder/Scripter)
local Q1 = "Why do you think you deserve this position(Please supply 3+ sentences)"
local Q2 = "Which position are you applying for?"
local Q3 = "Do you have any experience in this position in a different discord?"
local Event = game.ReplicatedStorage.Event
local answers = (" "..game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name.." has summited this application. His account age is ".. game.Players.LocalPlayer.AccountAge..". \
"..Q1.." : ".. script.Parent.Parent.Question1.Text..",\
"..Q2.." : ".. script.Parent.Parent.Question2.Text..",\
"..Q3.." : ".. script.Parent.Parent.Question3.Text)
This works in studio but not in-game. The output shows no errors and it is not printing anything…
It is taken to a server script to be processed and sent through a proxy to a discord webhook.
Event.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(plr, message)
send("Application Bot", message, plr)
for i,v in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
v:Kick("Thank you for summiting a application, your application will be read immedately.")
Not quite, your screen has 3 questions, then you just fill them in then press submit. Once you click submit, it will take answers, format it then send it to the server to be sent to discord.
Mkay I’ve never done anything like that but have a go at utilising the script analysis tool.
I’ve just tried it and it showed 37 warnings on scripts that worked fine, none of these warnings were shown in output previously.