I’ve been trying to make a game with local scripts.
Issue is that they do not work as intended, if i change part’s properties with local script (for example anchored) in client sided explorer it shows that it is unanchored but it still flies and acts as it is anchored, same happens if i change it in explorer, it works with server scripts. Also if i change it in explorer nothing happens BUT if i touch it then it sometimes falls down, no idea what is going on.
I have tried to look for it, no help so i asked help on scripting helpers, no help. I asked on discord and someone told me that it matters on which part does physics work or something like that and that is all.
I have made simple local script and it has the same issue:
local part = workspace.Part
part.Anchored = false
In explorer it is unanchored but on client it acts as it is.
Thanks, kirda