Local seed = 2 is not same as 2 (both number)

You can write your topic however you want, but you need to answer these questions:

  1. **What do you want to achieve?**Im trying to modify a maze

  2. **What is the issue?**So when i wanna make a maze i try to look up example and i see this

MakeCell(StartPoint+Vector3.new(X * CellSizeX, 0, Y * CellSizeZ), CellSizeX, CellSizeZ, HeightY, Cells[X][Y][5])

and that function called this

if Walls[1] == true then 
		local Wall1 = Instance.new("Part")
		Wall1.Name = "Wall1"
		Wall1.Anchored = true
		Wall1.formFactor = "Symmetric"
		Wall1.Size = Vector3.new(1, Height, SizeY - 2)
		Wall1.Position = Pos + Vector3.new((SizeX/2 - .5), 5.5, 0)
		Wall1.BrickColor = WallColor
		Wall1.Parent = cell
	if Walls[2] == true then
		local Wall2 = Instance.new("Part")
		Wall2.Name = "Wall2"
		Wall2.Anchored = true
		Wall2.formFactor = "Symmetric"
		Wall2.Size = Vector3.new(SizeX - 2, Height, 1)
		Wall2.Position = Pos + Vector3.new(0, 5.5, (SizeY/2 - .5))
		Wall2.BrickColor = WallColor
		Wall2.Parent = cell
	if Walls[3] == true then
		local Wall3 = Instance.new("Part")
		Wall3.Name = "Wall3"
		Wall3.Anchored = true
		Wall3.formFactor = "Symmetric"
		Wall3.Size = Vector3.new(1, Height, SizeY - 2)
		Wall3.Position = Pos + Vector3.new(-(SizeX/2 - .5), 5.5, 0)
		Wall3.BrickColor = WallColor
		Wall3.Parent = cell
	if Walls[4] == true then
		local Wall4 = Instance.new("Part")
		Wall4.Name = "Wall4"
		Wall4.Anchored = true
		Wall4.formFactor = "Symmetric"
		Wall4.Size = Vector3.new(SizeY - 2, Height, 1)
		Wall4.Position = Pos + Vector3.new(0, 5.5, -(SizeY/2 - .5))
		Wall4.BrickColor = WallColor
		Wall4.Parent = cell

So when i do this

MakeCell(StartPoint+Vector3.new(X * CellSizeX, 0, Y * CellSizeZ), CellSizeX, CellSizeZ, HeightY, Cells[X][Y][2])

It give us random generation but when i do this

local seed =2
MakeCell(StartPoint+Vector3.new(X * CellSizeX, 0, Y * CellSizeZ), CellSizeX, CellSizeZ, HeightY, Cells[X][Y][seed])

It give me fixed result??
it should both be random

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