Local Server Test doesn't properly cleanup when the Cleanup buttton in the original window is pressed

The cleanup button in the original studio window (the one open before starting a local server test) doesn’t cleanup the game properly. It doesn’t fire signals like Players.PlayerRemoving and doesn’t call game:BindToClose. This causes an inconsistency where for example player data does or doesn’t save depending on which cleanup button you press.

In the following video, I use HttpService to verify if PlayerRemoving/game:BindToClose are called. I first show it working with the cleanup button in the server window, then show it not working with the cleanup button in the original studio window. You’ll also notice that the client window doesn’t close when clicking the cleanup button in the original window.

Expected behavior

I expect the server and original window cleanup buttons to work the same. They should both properly cleanup the game by running Players.PlayerRemoving and game:BindToClose.


Thanks for the report! I filed a ticket in our internal database and we’ll follow up when we have an update for you.

I am also experiencing this, I notice it only closes the server and the client you clicked stop on.

Hi there,

We linked this issue with a similar/related one internally. The corresponding Devfum link for that ticket is here. We close this one and use that for tracking/fixing.

Thank you!

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