Local tags are getting removed during the teleport

When I teleport the player over a large distance all tags that were added locally are getting removed.
I’m using the framework that relies on them and that is a big problem for me because components are getting disabled when tags are removed

I tried to disable the SteamingEnabled - didn’t work
If I add the tags from the server, they stay, but tags that I added locally are getting removed

I need to keep tags local :eyes:

just use servertags that transfer to local tags, I dont know much about tags but you just have to think outside the box for this one.

hope it helps.


I understood the problem, if I add the tag from the server, all other tags are getting removed :eyes:


I would say keep the tags on the server, I my self use attributes instead so I don’t know much about tags, but I do think it might be safer on the server.

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I’m using the flamework (like Knit), it uses the tags

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Ah, alright I don’t know what any of those are :sweat_smile:

you create the class and tell that apply that class to everything that has a tag

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