Local to Client Script Help


I created this script below which is a LocalScript in a GUI. The point of this is to detect if a player does a GUI-related challenge correctly. If the player does the challenge correctly, I want the Blur to happen on the client-side of the game, not local. However, this is coming from a LocalScript… I think you see where my problem occurs.

How can I make it so an if statement can communicate with lines of code in a Script for example to make every player’s screen blurry?

You can use a BindableEvent/BindableFunction to achieve local script to local script communication.

Alright, thanks! Let me look at the API Ref. page and try and see how I can manage to do this. I will reply to your comment if I have any questions.

UPDATE: I looked at the page and am confused on where to start. Do you mind helping guide me through how to begin this?

UPDATE: Solved issue.