Localization Automatically Turns On

For a few months I have been experiencing an issue when Roblox just turns on ALL translation in my game without any consent from the creator (me). My game is made to be purely for English speakers and I don’t wish to have other languages supported.

This is very frustrating, because I have to turn off localization manually every 3-7 days.

Expected behavior

My expectation is to resolve this issue as a whole by letting creators decide whether THEY want localization in their game instead of Roblox.

Page URL: https://create.roblox.com/dashboard/creations/experiences/{UniverseId}/localization


Hi xVlado!

I can take a look at what’s going on here, could I get your universe ID so I can investigate further?


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It’s happening on all experiences of mine, but the one that I’m specifically talking about is 5147238735.

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This issue has still not been resolved unfortunately.

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Everyone that I know is experiencing the same issue

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move this post to website bugs, roblox barely checks the creator hub category