LocalizationService:GetTranslatorForPlayerAsync(Player) not getting the correct Player's LocaleId

Reproduction Steps

1) Get a Player with a different localization than en-us:

Run this on Roblox Studio and Roblox Player:

local LocalizationService 		= game:GetService("LocalizationService")
local Players 					= game.Players
local Player 					= Players.LocalPlayer
local T = LocalizationService:GetTranslatorForPlayerAsync(Player).LocaleId

Expected Behavior

Both Roblox Studio and Roblox Player should show the same Player’s Locale Id

Actual Behavior

For example, with a Player with a localization pt-br (as the image above), Studio is getting en-us while Roblox Player is getting the correct pt-br.

Issue Area: Studio
Issue Type: Other
Impact: High
Frequency: Constantly


Try changing your language in studio settings:

Does this change anything?

That’s not the point.
The Player.LocaleId must come from the Player’s profile and not from Studio’s settings.

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I suppose it’s subjective, I would expect Studio’s UI to be in Studio’s set language and not the website language, since if they were the same, why have a separate option in Studio settings?

No. I always use Studio in en-us to facilitate communication, sharing screenshots, opening reports, etc.
However, I test my game with different user profiles with different languages.
So again:

Hi @rogeriodec_games thanks for the report! To test with different languages in studio we recommend that you use the Player Emulator (Test Tab | Roblox Creator Documentation).

We will look into improvements that we can make to have the player locale id in studio set to a more intuitive value when the emulator is disabled.

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The debugger won’t work with player emulator.

Hi, the debugger should still work with player emulator. Can you describe what issues you are running into using the debugger with the player emulator?

Are you referring to Test Tab | Roblox Creator Documentation?
AFAIK, debug never worked there.
Not to mention that the UserID will be emulated as -1, -2, etc…

I’m referring to the player emulator plugin which allows you emulate things like the language and policies of the player. You can find it in the test tab here:

There are also multiple testing modes available, there’s the “Play” mode in which the user ids will be correct and debugging will work, and there’s also the “Clients and Servers” mode which currently has the behavior you described.

The player emulator plugin is independent of these, and should work in both play modes (i.e. it shouldn’t affect whether debugging works or not).

This I did not know.
I managed to make it work.

However, this will still not get the OFFICIAL Locale from the player’s profile.

Studio is already able to get many things from the player’s official profile, such as thumbnail, name and other information.
It is now necessary to allow the Locale to also be obtained, thus being standardized with the other functions as mentioned above.

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It’s been 6 months.
Ignoring a bug will not make it fix itself.
I still cannot test Players with different languages within Studio.
When will something be done?

Hey @rogeriodec_games. We want the studio experience to be consistent everywhere. Because of this the play mode uses the studio language setting. There are no plans to change this at this time.

Shameful and illogical statement. :-1:t2:
Studio is for developing and testing a game. It does no good to prevent testing in the player’s native language.
But even so, you insist on this strange argument, create a parameter where the developer can decide what is more sensible, using the language of the Studio or the player.

Please get a grip. This isn’t a bug, it’s intentional behavior.

If you want to test with a different locale, use the Player Emulator tool built into studio.

I suggest making a feature request for your specific idea of “automatically matching the testing account’s website locale” instead of insisting this is a bug despite being told otherwise several times.

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