Localized Date Formats

As Roblox improves on localizing text a lot, I think it’d be good to consider localizing dates.
While this may sound like a small feature, it could prevent confusion within the world-wide audience for when things happen such as events or personal things like anniversaries.

There’s an American date format (MM/DD/YYYY) and an European date format (DD/MM/YYYY) which may be confusing when they’re mixed up.

As alternative displaying the used timezone would be possible, but users would have to look up how it works in case they don’t know which is inconvenient.


I would love to see human-readable dates on the website. I think numbered date formats are absolutely useless for public-facing purposes because of the day-month swap issue. I never know what format a numbered date is in and always need to check which component can exceed 12 to be sure I’m not making mistakes, and to assume a younger user would be able to know and do this is silly.


I think that a system of the user choosing which format they want would be better. If there’s an American living in Europe (or overseas in general), the European format would likely confuse them just as much as a European would be confused by the American format.


From another thread for reference, this received a staff reply:


I can’t express enough how important date formats are. A lot of the time I’ve looked at the dates and wondered why my game was last updated at 3:00AM but then realising that’s the U.S time format it can be extremely hard to audit, maintain and find the correct versions of my items and games.

There was an extension on Chrome which converts the annoying U.S time and date format into your local time zone I discovered. I assume @EmeraldSlash here is the person that created it? If you are it’s currently broken sadly - it would be nice if you could patch it up for now as an temporary fix whilst they eventually get around to properly localising time zones and formats

Quite a few times I’ve made the fatal error of forgetting the U.S use the date format MM/DD/YYYY and actually made a mistake before release or caused me and my team some significant issues/downtime. Having the local time zone DD/MM/YYYY would have averted these issues which had significant effect at early hours of the morning developers. As well as a 12 hour time format (I don’t like 23:00, I’d rather just see 11:00 PM) as already suggested in this thread easily human readable formats are equally important.


(moved from a separate topic)

Currently on Roblox, it’s too difficult to read dates written in the American MM/DD/YYYY format for international players using the DD/MM/YYYY format, and causes a lot of confusion and misconceptions.

One simple solution to this problem is to adopt the ISO 8601 international standard for date formatting, YYYY-MM-DD. This format is simple, unambiguous and universally understood across the world. This would help the internationalisation effort hugely as less mistakes would be made by players and developers alike when dealing with dates on the website.


As a Roblox player, who purchases Roblox Premium monthly, it is currently too confusing as to when your Premium subscription will be renewing.

For people living in the UK and other countries that don’t use this format, it is incredibly confusing when you don’t think about it. The current one uses MM/DD/YY however in the UK we use DD/MM/YY.

If this issue is addressed, it would improve my experience because I will no longer make the accidental mistake of thinking my subscription renews in 8 days instead of 2…



It would be so useful if Roblox could look into this. The European style date formats are the only date formats that are natural to me. Being from the UK, The DD/MM/YYYY format is the only format that I recognize instantly. Neither MM/DD/YYYY, or the ISO 8601 standard mentioned above, are my preferred date format.

I feel that good solutions would be to either jut localize date formats for European players, or alternatively, when you hover over a date, it could display a longer version of the date like “Jun 26, 2019”. This is similar to how dates behave when you hover over them on the devforum


Bumping this topic again. I can cope with the US date format, but the timestamps? Who knows what they are in my local time at a glance?

Most major browsers have built-in localisation APIs, which allow for localisation of data such as currency, dates and timestamps—Sometimes it’s even as simple as calling .toLocaleString() on certain strings/numbers!

Roblox could utilise these built-in APIs to automatically format and localise timestamps across the website. This would make it very easy to review data at a glance for those of us not in the US.


Bumping again,

Why has this still not been added? In terms of date formats, most people in the world are accustomed to DMY or YMD (ascending/descending importance) format. According to this Wikipedia article there are approx. 7.1 billion people globally who use DMY/YMD format. That’s out of 7.6 billion people (or just over 93% of people globally!).

(You’ll notice that Red, Magenta, and Grey make up only a small fraction of MDY countries)

In my view it is entirely unacceptable that with this many people using alternative date formats to MDY (which is neither ascending or descending, which is not at all logical) that ROBLOX still forces people to read in MDY format. The world is not just the United States! The american-centric view of the world has to stop, especially if ROBLOX wants to claim it is global scale company.

Seriously, there is already pre-existing web api’s that allow getting local date format. Here is the MDN web docs page for this API.

At worst I’d hope that atleast using native API’s are used to get local time formats.
Here is example javascript code:

const event = new Date(Date.UTC(2012, 11, 20, 3, 0, 0));
const options = { year: 'numeric', month: 'numeric', day: 'numeric' };

console.log(event.toLocaleDateString(undefined, options));

console.log(event.toLocaleDateString('ar-EG', options));

console.log(event.toLocaleDateString('en-US', options));

console.log(event.toLocaleDateString('en-UK', options));

console.log(event.toLocaleDateString('ko-KR', options));

console.log(event.toLocaleDateString('ja-JP', options));

console.log(event.toLocaleDateString('ja-JP-u-ca-japanese', options));

(Date.UTC uses 0-11 for months)

> "12/20/2012"
> "٢٠‏/١٢‏/٢٠١٢"
> "12/20/2012"
> "20/12/2012"
> "2012. 12. 20."
> "2012/12/20"
> "H24/12/20"

Localization is important!

As well as Date.prototype.toLocaleDateString()
Roblox should be using Date.prototype.toLocaleTimeString() for times as well.
Timezone should be clear. Are we talking about PST, EST, BST, GMT, UTC, CEST, KST…?

Bad UX in my view.

(Sorry about this being a direct reply, I haven’t used forum in a while)

A script in tamper monkey, which allows you to use ymd, or dmy, with slashes, dashes, or dots:

// ==UserScript==
// @name         Fix Roblox Dates
// @namespace    http://tampermonkey.net/
// @version      1.0.0
// @description  Fix MM/DD/YYYY dates as DD/MM/YYYY
// @author       You
// @match        https://www.roblox.com/*
// @icon         https://www.google.com/s2/favicons?sz=64&domain=roblox.com
// @grant        none
// ==/UserScript==

(function() {
    'use strict';

    //Save everytime you update to apply changes

    //options include 'numeric', 'long', short

    //for a full list, see: https://pastebin.com/NeSkBRYe
    let YMD_S = "en-ZA"; //  2021/09/03
    let YMD_D = "sv-SE"; //  2021-09-03
    let YMD_F = "hu-HU"; //  2021. 09. 03.

    let DMY_SL = "en-GB"; //  03/09/2021
    let DMY_SS = "en-IE"; //  3/9/2021
    let DMY_DL = "es-CL"; //  03-09-2021
    let DMY_DS = "nl-NL"; //  3-9-2021
    let DMY_FL = "ro-RO"; //  03.09.2021
    let DMY_FS = "de-DE"; //  3.9.2021

    let selected = DMY_SL;

    //when using anything but numeric, refer to the pastebin as this different for different languages
    let options = {year: 'numeric', month: 'short', day: 'numeric'}

    let dates = document.getElementsByClassName("date-time-i18n")
    for (let i = 0; i < dates.length; i++) {
        let the_date = new Date(dates[i].innerHTML)
        dates[i].innerHTML = the_date.toLocaleDateString(selected, options)

It’s super simple, and it suprises me that this hasn’t been implemented


Sorry to bump this topic but this is still an issue and has actually evolved to a worse issue. In my opinion it is embarrassing that a company that has prided itself in it’s global community of players and developers doesn’t even support date formats other than mm-dd-yyyy on the main site! This is especially hurtful for fields that can be valid in both mm-dd-yyyy format or dd-mm-yyyy format (such as 05-03-2023) - is it referencing the 3rd of May or the 5th of March?

It is worth noting that the new creator dashboard localises dates! (thank you whoever proposed this) However, this now creates a deeper issue as the main Roblox site and the creator site now have a discrepancy in their date formats:
This is going to become a major issue for my workflow since now I’m questioning which format is used on each field since Roblox has shown that they are using a localised format on some fields but not others-


Bump. It’s getting really hard reading all these dates when they’re formatted in the American version. Literally no one apart from America uses MM-DD-YYYY.


How is this still not fixed?


To add onto this, all times are formatted in an unknown American-timezone too, well, at least comments are. This is getting really frustrating and I am currently resorting to using the Roblox API just to get a readable time-