LocalLibraries - Instantly save scripts and import them to your game!

Local (1)

LocalLibraries - Instantly save scripts and import them to your game!


LocalLibraries is a free plugin that allows developers to save in their most commonly used scripts, and insert them in their games. This can be a huge timesaver for people who create a lot of similar games such as simulators and tyconns…


To use LocalLibraries, simply download and install the plugin. You will be greeted with the home page.

In here, you can click on insert to create a new library.
You must pick a name, write in some code or simply get it from another script, and hit create.
When you do so, the home page will show up again.

Click on your new created library to actually insert it, you can either insert it into the Workspace, or into the selected instances (supports multi-select)

You can toggle between script types: Server, Local, and Module. Default is server.


And yeah… I guess that’s it. I hope you find this plugin useful.

:link: Grab this free plugin on the Roblox Creator Store for free!

Coming Soon Features:

  • Deleting libraries.
  • Hover to quickly see library’s content.
  • Settings

I want to tell you about a little thing called Packages

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well I guess it could be useful in someway…

Maybe you are right… Might add this feature in an update or something.

I say this constructively. I don’t recommend building things that already exist and work well. The expression is “don’t reinvent the wheel”. Even if you added features to it, people won’t be interested because there is already a robust first party system that fulfills the same need. People will rather use something they know works well and they know has first party support than arbitrarily switching to a third party product that may have bugs and lack of support. I say it constructively as my opinion that might help out.

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