I made a custom death that I would like to use for my game(s), and I’d say I’m making good progress. robloxapp-20200805-1627482.wmv
The thing is, I’m having trouble returning the music and camera back to normal when the player respawns. All I know how to do right now is detect .Died, so I need help detecting when the player respawns. I’ve tried .Added, .Spawned, .Respawned, etc. If you know what it is, please tell me!
I’m talking about a custom death in a LocalScript. Do you understand what I’m saying? I’m not asking about “So and so has joined the game”, I’m asking about the LocalPlayer. Does that make more sense?
EDIT: Is this what you mean? I understood that you’re trying to find out when the player respawns. But now you said that you want to manually respawn the player, so I’m a bit confused.
The original question was “What’s the opposite of .Died?”, but @imalex4 suggested I manually respawn the player, so I think I’ll stick with that idea. Now I’m asking how I can do that. Does this help?