LocalScript failing to wait in loop

LocalScript is failing to wait ( task.wait ) in a repeat loop.
Currently, it is sending over the values in a RemoteEvent from the server (Getstats),

As you can see it is supposed to wait, but it is not.

I also printed what was sent over as seen in the script, it prints the setting used as not 0 or nil, so what is causing this?


Any help is appreciated.

How is it failing? You did not explain what is happening. Is it not looping? Is it not doing anything at all?


“Failing to wait in loop”
I did explain what was happening

Though I did however just notice some contradicting information.

Boosting this post since its been 2 hours

Do print(g_settings.Firerate) before task.wait, and tell me what it prints.


Printed in output via localscript

Adding on to this, I don’t think this interval is .6 seconds.

You’re very right, that interval isn’t .6 seconds.
By default, what is g_settings.Firerate?

All are as they should be. (There’s like 32 guns rigged so I can’t show them all)

Unless the other code is extreeeemely slow there’s still quite a big gap between those two prints. Did you do something to unlock fps?

Nope. Nothing to unlock fps, I have all of that stuff off while in studio to prevent that kind of stuff.

Computers are computers.

task.wait() will never be bang-on accurate.

Strange. Either way I’d implement a task.wait that also makes use of deltatime, that way it’ll work and you’ll also stop non-exploiting clients from sending unnecessary remoteevents if they have their fps unlocked.

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