If I wanted to give someone tools based on their team, would the script be a local or a server script? I am a bit confused.
ServerScript obviously. You just check which team the player is on from the server and parent a clone of the tool to their backpack.
So how would I define player, if it’s a server script?
And of course I don’t want everyone on the team to get tools whenever someone from their team respawns.
That’s pretty easy actually. You just create separate RBXScriptConnection
s for every player for Player.CharacterAdded
event and just check player’s team inside the function that is connected to the event.
At the very basic level it would look like this:
local PlayersSevice = game:GetService("Players")
if Player.Team ~= nil then
for Index, Value in ipairs(Player.Team:GetChildren()) do
Value:Clone().Parent = Player.Backpack --Assuming you use the built in Teams Service and you put all team specific tools under the team instances accordingly.
That’s ok, but the PlayerAdded event is when they join… and they are not instantly on this team. Correct me if I am wrong.
Yes, that’s why I added CharacterAdded event inside the PlayerAdded event so the function runs every time player respawns.
Ah my bad, by the time you replied, I realised. Cheers bro!