"Lock all" button for studio

Studio currently has an Unlock All button, next to which is a Lock Tool button to use the locking tool.

I’d like to add a “Lock All” button aswell, here is my reasoning:

A lot of exploiting tools recently allow people to spawn and give hopperbin build-tools to move, delete and copy parts, Locking all parts in a game is a simple way to start preventing that.

It’s not exactly an “Anti-Exploit” thing, but I want to easily be able to lock and unlock my place in studio, i’d much prefer my place’s parts locked if it keeps the dumb hackers from doing anything.

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Without the *

The best solution is drumroll to use filtering. Adding a feature explicitly for non-filtering games seems regressive.

If you just want a quick fix, run this in the command bar.

local function r(p)
	for _, v in pairs(p:GetChildren()) do
		if v:IsA'BasePart' then
			v.Locked = true

Switching to FE will mean that you won’t have to worry about stuff like this in the future.

V ninja’d by half a second huehuehue


Probably relevant, but not a good practice for quality development where you lock parts to filter the ones that shouldn’t be moved by accident.

Here’s a script though:

local function Scan(ch)
  for _, obj in pairs(ch:GetChildren()) do
    if obj:IsA("BasePart") then
      obj.Locked = true

…Aaaand others beat me to it

Running this code when a game session launches would be a cleaner solution than locking everything in studio.


Well, I want a lock all button so I can re-lock every part after unlocking them to move them around.

This is the first thing I made with plugins when plugins were first introduced. I still use it all the time, it would be nice to have it as a studio feature seeing that we already have the unlock-all button.

I’m not saying that this would be a good or intentional alternative for filtering and preventing exploits, this is just why I use it.

And regardless, if there is a button that says “unlock all” there should be one of the opposite, right?


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