Introduction of Lock Cafe
Hello there! Thanks you for wanting to work with Lock Cafe! Lock Cafe strives to make all of his guests happy! Lock Cafe will be a serious, professional Cafe. We will make sure that all our guests respect our guidelines with our upcoming skilled management members. There is currently no group.
Meet the Ownership Team!
@achdef | Founder of Lock Cafe
@achdef | Most active Ownership Member
Meet our current developers!
@achdef | Lead Programmer
@hiring | GFX Artist
@hiring | UI Designer
@hiring | Builder
Job Information
We are looking for a professional GFX Artist to join our team that is tasked of all our games and group logos. Along with a UI Designer, that will be tasked to do all of our UIs with good designs using Blender or any others programs. The Builder will be tasked of all the building of Lock Cafe using Blender for realist builds.
Our payments are done via group funds! For the moment, the job is not payed.
Lead Programmer = 20%
GFX Artist = 10 - 15 - 20% depending of the work.
UI Designer = 20 - 25% depending of the work.
Builder = 30 - 40% depending of the work.
Bonus may be done if I am surprised of your work.
Total that is possible in all of these: 100%
You can PM us on the devforum at @achdef.
Thanks for your interest! This job is currently not payed.