Hello Developers,
Today I bring to the table one of what I think is my best works so far in the UI/Building department. The game name is officially LOCKDOWN and as of right now its a solo project. I have a lot of passion going into this so hopefully I get some good feedback in the future. Any who, I will drop two links, one to the video “It is kind of low quality due to the post processing I use in game”, or you can just look at it yourself in the other link.



This is really cool! I’ve your other work and none of them disappoint lol

Perhaps the only thing I could recommend is the ui actually interacts with its environment such as giving of light on to the background. Just a thought tho. Otherwise very nice!

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Am just curious what happens when u press on leave?

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Probably going to add a jump-scare for first time players.

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This is one of the best main menus I’ve ever seen. The flickering, the camera tilt, the lighting, the graphics, the buttons, everything.
One small problem: I can’t see my mouse, so I can’t tell when i’m remotely near a button. Other than that this is an 11/10.

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Devious, but I like it

Here’s what should happen:

Black fade out screen -> Jumpscare -> Kick out the game after jumpscare
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One of the cleanest main menus I’ve ever seen, great stuff

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This is sick. What kind of lighting do you have apart for the lighting service settings as I can see the obvious which is furture>

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The mouse cursor will be there in the final product.

I got you, stay posted and active and I will reply with the finished result!

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I actually use my own set of post processing effects that ive made over the years, mixed with “fake lighting”

Interesting. I suck when it comes to making good lighting more of a scripter in general. Is there any resources you could send my way?

I have added the jump scare as a feature!

There really is nothing I can give as I don’t work for free or just hand out stuff a lot. Lighting is really just about playing with every setting.

Wow ,i’ve seen these comments newly published, at 20:29 pm in my Windows 11 PC
Also wheres the jumpscare video
And i’m going to celebrate christmas with my family eating turkey with arab rice :yum::turkey: 24/12/2024

Your game LOCKDOWN has been on a WILD RIDE
Feel free to play and donate to him

I put it there, its the yellow link named “LOCKDOWN v1.02” just click it.

Your video channel has my real name
Why not an video to the topic and youtube link ,i might get used to these people who publish youtube links instead of videos in the topic

Thats weird that when a jumpscare end ,kicks you from the game
Kick mensage ingame “99% of the gamblers quit before they hit it big”

im not asking for your stuff I mean in general don’t get ahead of your self now.

its an inside joke for a friend group you wont understand