A Script within a package, which is Locked to Editions, can be Edited by Cut (Ctrl+X) without it being registered, meaning:
Script is altered.
Script is still treated as locked
Script is still treated as unedited (since it’s locked, the code has no reason to assume it was changed)
Changes made don’t look like they are being recorded, so you cannot Undo whatever you copied after unlocking it, and that has one or two reasons, which are:
The Script gets into a weird “Permalocked” state where studio knows about the changes, and show, for example, errors in the scrollbar, but the script itself won’t show the errors visually, and cannot be edited even after unlocking it. (no Undo)
This state will not go away until you close and reopen the script, which also cleans the edit history. (no Undo either)
Expected behavior
No Edits should ever be possible in a Locked script.
Cut would either not work (makes the most sense) or be replaced by the Copy behavior, when used in a locked script, as to preserve the intent of copying it, without making the actual change to it.