Locking players on the x and Y axis in water

I have replaced the swim idle and swimming animation with my own custom one.

How ever I have a problem with the swimming animation. Since the player moves with the camera, it messes up the animation. This is how to swimming animation is meant to look like:

and this is how it looks in game:

Is there a way to prevent players from turning upwards, on the Z axis when the camera moves up and down?

Can you try using the Upload button to add your media?

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right, sorry. They are now embedded

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so, you just want the character to face one direction?


Disable this in your players humanoid

The issue still occurs and now I cant turn at all when I walk around at spawn

mm ok then, that didnt work. What if you made your swim animation the same as the swim idle?

Im not sure of a custom property that deals with the movement and rotation of swimming specifically. maybe you’ll have to use a script to get the results you are looking for.

Regardless It looks wonderful, whatever it is that you’re making.

Thank you, I appreciate your help

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I have updated the post incase anyone has a solution.

you may need to move it to #help-and-feedback:scripting-support