Locksmith [3.0.1]

Yeah this is great for like detecting viruses and stuff.

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I’ll patch that later today. Thanks for the report.

Patched in 3.0.5 release, update the plugin for it to be live.


No idea what code was marked unsafe. Can you show in Flagged code?

When I’m back from vacation I’ll take a look at the issue.

:warning: Deprecation!

Locksmith is no longer being maintained as Roblox has taken down the plugin for containing “malicious code”, when it only has two module scripts containing key-phrases to look for within experiences to flag as Malicious Scripts/Viruses.

For users still wishing to utilize the plugin it has been open-sourced on GitHub and can still be locally installed.

GitHub: https://github.com/RAMPAGELLC/Locksmith
License: The Unlicense

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this is a recent bug when looping through game apparently, just wrap whatever code thats inside that loop in a pcall and it should prevent it from erroring.

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