Locksmith [3.0.1]

:warning: Deprecation!

Locksmith is no longer being maintained as Roblox has taken down the plugin for containing > “malicious code”, when it only has two module scripts containing key-phrases to look for within > experiences to flag as Malicious Scripts/Viruses.

For users still wishing to utilize the plugin it has been open-sourced on GitHub and can still be > > locally installed.

GitHub: GitHub - RAMPAGELLC/Locksmith: Locksmith; Roblox virus threat removal & protection by Meta Games.
License: The Unlicense


I felt the system needed a full revamp on how the script operates including UI. Proud to release new Locksmith 3.0.1.

Locksmith helps hunt backdoors within your experience to keep it nice & secure! In the past 2 years of developing some small changes to Locksmith & daily usage of it, It has helped me catch hundreds, as other developers I worked with caught a lot of backdoors within their game, I hope locksmith can help you as well secure your experience.

I plan to regularly update Locksmith to keep this updated. Note this plugin is not perfect, it wont find 100% of backdoors, and could have false positives.

How to use


Here you can choose settings for how you want your scan to operate

Wait for it to scan, here you can see the progress as it scans.

Click anywhere on the banner to drag the UI around.

Here you can see a detailed report on the scan.

Get Locksmith


UI/Logo: @vq9o
Programming: @vq9o

Original Locksmith created by @brokenVectors , with UI & Logo by @vq9o.


what makes this different than the other backdoor things?


Detailed information regarding the flags, and some more searching improvements, I’m still working on some more flags for searching.


ah ok nice


The UI looks awesome! Great job!


You should add a whitelist feature where you can add scrips that get ignored by the scan to prevent some false positives.


I will add that in next update, great idea!

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No problem! I’m glad to help! :grin:

Nice, the next gameguard anti virus which is 10x better

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I just ran it and it flag a bunch of CoreGUI scripts, is anyone else having the same issue?

the plugin didnt give me the option to copy the

so here is a screenie of what it flagged:

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Yeah, would’ve been better if it allowed us to copy the directory to a malicious file

Open settings
Ignore these:

I will look into why it’s flagging CoreGui.


Update 3.0.2

! Flagged Code fixed for other flags
! UI Size Issues resolved
! Display Name fixed for Scans
! Name detection for invalid characters fixed


Report any bugs to me :slight_smile:


  • Use UITextSizeConstraint’s on the TextLabels
  • Dont make it obnoxiously pop up whenever you launch Studio if there’s an update
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i dont really see a point in these plugins when you can just use the filter feature in the explorer tab and the built in find all plugin


I did too, but then I realized I was a power user and these tools are for average studio users / developers.


This tool was built to help you locate possible backdoors within your experience. This is useful for beginners to Roblox studio, etc. Some people do not know the keywords, what to look for, etc. The point of this tool shows what was triggered and a short report about it.

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Update 3.0.3

! Fixed scrolling frame size to be automatic, this fixes issues with more than 20 flagged codes.

Report any bugs to me :slight_smile:

Update 3.0.4

+ You can now whitelist an instance to be ignored in scans by using CollectionService and tagging it with **LOCKSMITH_IGNORE_INSTANCE**
! View flag is now hidden when the scan is re-started.
! Drop shadow for view flag fixed.
! Scan progress text scaled up.
! MouseButton1Click connections fixed
+ Log feed of progress added.
+ Locksmith will not scan itself (LOCKSMITH_IGNORE_INSTANCE)
+ You can now drag guis with right-click to prevent selecting instances.

Report any bugs to me :slight_smile:

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Not quite a bug, but a small typo in the “Experience Log” title :wink: