Is there any way to print the game ID of the experience a player teleported from?
If it is under the universal experience you can use datastores to log it
I don’t want to store it, I just want to print the game id they teleported from
Yes but in order to transfer data between servers you need to use DataStoreService or MemoryStoreService
What you mean by “game ID of the experience” ?
The ID of the entire game? I mean the experience/game id, or a subplace id game.PlaceId
Teleport from? So you would be teleporting a player from a game into a different game? And you want to get the ID of the game they teleported from?
Im not sure, but this could only be done by Owning both games and using a Global Datastore to save the id when leaving from Game1 and read it once the player joins the Game2
try player:GetJoinData() it shows u data of the circumstances that players join
i alsow need more chars to post this but that is alright