Login failed on launch

Always shows login failed on studio launch

studio version is 0.631.1.6310472


It’s your internet. Not studio. I experience this most of the time when my internet is a bit bad so this is most definitely your internet. Just press try again and log back in.


I don’t think this problem is related to the quality of my connection, especially since I have had this problem for more than 2 weeks

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Hmmm… intersting. Have you tried reinstalling studio? If I recall properly, I had some sort of similar issue where even when my internet was good I still kept failing to log in.

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yes, I tried reinstalling the studio 5 minutes ago, but it didn’t affect the problem at all

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Oh, well that’s kind of sad. That usually fixed the issue for me.

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Thank you for talking about this topic, I’ll try to wait for the support response.

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Doesn’t the “Login via Browser” option work? When I have this error, I click that and it starts to work

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you can try these possible solutions and see if they fix your problem

  1. make sure you have vpn disabled (stuff like dynamic ip can also cause issues)
  2. try clearing cookies at roblox.com (you will have to relogin)
  3. make sure theres no empty space between username or password when youre trying to login
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Colon 2 would be invalid because you have to clear LocalStorage folder inside Roblox installation folder, %localappdata%\Roblox instead. Clearing cookies applies to a website on a WEB browser, not a standalone app…
Dynamic IPs will only affect you if the IP gets refreshed while your router or VPN is already running.
And what the hell do you mean by no empty space? No disk space?

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the error prompt in the given screenshot said “an error occured while loggining in studio please login on the website or try again later” the issue is mostly caused from the website

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Can you try logging in via the website? You might have been moderated (there’s currently no moderation clearing flow in Studio, coming soon). Otherwise, please send a log. (You can DM me)

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Hey I’m also facing the same problem and I’ve tried everything, no luck

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Hi, can you DM a log from a failed login attempt, so we can validate its the same thing? Can you also verify that other accounts work fine, and that you can log in with this account to the Player and create.roblox.com just fine?

Now can’t login at all

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Is this the same account? Other accounts are ok? We’ve gotten a repro with a local account and are diagnosing this now.

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Yes only for SUMERE4H account, other accounts are ok

Hi everyone!

Thank you for raising this issue to us! We’ve applied some fixes on the backend!
Please try logging in again with the accounts that previously were stuck and let us know how it goes!


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Thanks, thats fixed my issue now i can log in studio without problems!

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