Logo Feedback v3.0

Hello, I am Eeveonic, and I want to review this logo I created!

(I am open for commissions)
I need some feedback on how this needs improvement and what I can do to improve this!

Thank you for reading this post


The first thing is that ice cream is actually two separate words rather than one.

Secondly I think the cone itself could probably be a bit longer, the ice cream to cone ratio looks a tad bit off.

Other than that, the colors go well together, I like the texturing on the letters rather than just having them be a solid color, it’s very well done.


this logo looks pretty simple, but also cool.
I like it, especially how the color of the text was chosen, and the text itself. :+1:

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It’s great, has a lot of touch into it, but also maybe separate Ice Cream since it’s two separate words.

Other than that, it’s a cool logo!

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Thank you for the feedback! I will change some things!

Thanks for your compliment!
(30 char)

Okay thanks for the feedback!
(30 char)

I like it, the only thing I would remove is that red outline since it makes the logo a bit too much, and I would change the text transparency because it kinda looks weird with it and make “IceCream” spaced out. The last thing I would do is make the cone a little bit taller.

Its clean and simple. I Like it.

Vector, font, and colours all feel quite nice to look at. Scaling perhaps could be tweaked with to optimize the focal point, but besides that, something felt a little off, so I went into Photoshop, and lo-and-behold, there was an issue with symmetry. Please refer to the image below.

So with the legend on the top left (pretty messy, I know), you can see that the rectangles represent the basic shape from the vector and texts from on corner of the black stroke to the other. Instantly, you can notice that the empty space on the outer sides of the vector and texts are imbalanced, which can be show by the red rectangles that signify how short each aspect is to the centre of each other.

Now, this is a pretty minor aspect and probably won’t do much harm from a distance, but fixing this can cause the logo to look much more pleasing to the naked eye.

Pretty good, although ice and cream should be seperated to keep things looking cleaner.