Loki TVA and Kang's Citadel

Hello there! I’m not entirely sure this is the right category for this.
Recently I’ve been really passioned by a series called “Loki”.

Even tho I know many games were made on it when the first season was released, I still decided to create my own universe about it.
And I’d like some feedbacks on it.

Starting off with the Citadel of He who remains (Which I’m not done with entirely).

I also made several tests for a TVA place.

Out of that, I also remade the tempad as I am mainly a scripter.



I’m not a pro builder so I honestly did what I could with the building, and I’d like to have y’all opinions on it.


Kang’s office.

I fixed the roof.


Since I watch Loki, I can say this looks amazing. I love it. I think making the TVA might be hard to create due to not knowing a large amount of it, but you accurately depicted this. Good job!


Thanks alot for your feedback, appreciate it.
Indeed it might be complicated to remake, especially with season 2 coming and new zones and features appearing, but I’m willing to take the challenge!

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This is amazing! Especially the timeline and details in the window! I would only suggest making the bay names with regular UI, to make it seem more realistic. I would also not publish this on Roblox, as it is technically copyrighting (unless you make a game similar to Loki)

Thanks for your feedback, yea I’m not gonna make it an official game, just a showcase place.

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