This absolutely is a serious issue. Recently, there’s been a surplus of malicious players abusing this functionality to cause immense lag in my, and my fellow Roblox developers’ games.
Roblox’s incompetence must not come at the cost of us developers. It’s absolutely crazy to think that they somehow thought that the client should be trusted with their DisplayName, MembershipType, AccountAge, etc. Now, it is us developers that pay the price for the Roblox engineers’ incompetence.
Exploiters abusing this bug have been destroying the economy of a game I develop: taking advantage of the MembershipType trust to grant themselves Premium benefits with hundreds of duplicate accounts; these accounts do not even grant any additional Premium Payout. Along with lagging our servers, they have completely destroyed our clientele’s satisfaction with our game. Ever since this has happened to us, our game has been getting disliked much more often.
Roblox developers should not be the ones constantly shielding their own games against exploits that arise out of the incompetence of Roblox’s engineers. This exploit is out of our reach, mostly. (We can’t do much about it without getting actual players in the crossfire.)
In my desperation, I appeal to you, fellow Roblox engineers, that you please patch this as soon as possible. Our livelihoods depend on your actions, and how soon you all can act in response to cases like this.
My friends and I, depend on Roblox as our main source of income, and these meddling exploiters (the ones abusing this vulnerability) are causing us to lose out on income. At this point, we have to worry about how we can ration our money to last us till the end of next month.
We’d hate to starve over something like this, and I hope that, in your hearts, that you please take this bug much more seriously. This bug has existed for a long time, and only recently, has this bug been paid closer attention to; but, at the same time, this bug has been released publicly, and now, its detrimental effects are being felt much more greatly, everywhere.