Are you going to do the same for audio uploads? Having more than 10 uploads a month would be great for users who can’t verify their id due to country restrictions.
I’m guessing adjustments to the upload fee mean we might see it become cheaper or priced differently based on video duration. I’m very happy to hear this since 2k robux for the average developer starting out is quite a lot.
Never, it is only going to get worse. If you have ever tried to transfer money then you will understand me, it is not just roblox locking things behind the ID verification.
Great change and I’m glad to see the limit being increased. In my case when making The Creator Awards, we had to upload 89 30-second videoframes across 30+ accounts in order to make it happen.
While this update gives me a very reasonable 10 minutes of time to work with, I’ll still require help from other users to upload videoframes when I make the next edition of The Creator Awards. It’d be very beneficial if we could apply for extended videoframes / extra videoframes slots so we can make larger projects like mine happen easier. It’d also be great to chat to the videoframes team about my experience working with videoframes in the future, as I have a ton of feedback to give.
One day we will see games being locked behind an ID verification, they will all say “we want to make a safe place” or something like that. I just want people to see where it is all going