Will there ever be plans for .GIF support?
Absolute Cinema
I feel like it would be a lot better if these features could also be unlocked by phone number verification, unless the nature of the feature actively prevents it (such as restricted content, and sponsoring real world items in your places)
And a decent substitute for some of these ID locks might be a sort of trustworthiness system, using a combination of account age (time since account creation & being 13+), email verification and moderation history on the platform, with the number/ID bypassing the previously mentioned things and opening the feature set permanently (so you can either build up trust and unlock the features after a while, or verify your ID to have instant, permanent access to them)
As far as I am aware, this is not planned at this time. I encourage y’all to create (or contribute to existing) threads in #feature-requests to convey the need. This will help various teams at Roblox easily see, understand, and prioritize potential changes + new features.
I believe this is something in consideration, but I cannot guarantee this will happen.
We are working on changes to our playback quality algorithm that would enable better perceived video quality in certain scenarios, including fullscreen or ScreenGui uses. Stay tuned.
What does this mean exactly? “better perceived” and “certain scenarios” sounds like an indirect no to the people asking for full on higher resolution support. I don’t think people wont appreciate better encoding tech but there is just so much quality you can squeeze out of low resolution videos. This on top of the fact that mobile devices all run pretty high resolutions, pc users are slowly moving away from 1080p displays to higher resolutions and console users are most likely to be running high resolution tv’s.
We can’t do that. We can’t make feature requests.
A lot of Roblox staff suggest this. Are they unaware that most users are unable to make posts in the #feature-requests category? The history of having access is important, but I won’t lecture about it. We’d need to now join @AllowFeatureRequests, but it’s not taking people in by design.
Just know that we can’t follow your advice. We can’t give feedback effectively to most teams at Roblox. If you weren’t on this forum before late 2019, you most likely don’t have access to it. I’d be surprised if more than 30% of forum users had access honestly. That’s how much Roblox can listen to its community. Not much at all really when the system doesn’t work.
Increased resolution does not always create better quality or a better experience. There are certain encoding settings that can make a video appear better or worse - or perhaps even perform better or worse.
Our philosophy is to balance quality and performance on your behalf from assumed intent. That said, we know this is not foolproof. We are discussing potential ways for a developer to provide signal or override that assumed intent.
Was about to make this exact post. To further add onto this, a VERY large portion of feature requests have went untouched for years on end by roblox. Most we are getting is the fact that roblox staff acknowledge what we are asking for but thats as far as these things will go.
Remember, on roblox we have been shouting about a higher light range for nearly a decade and just more recently that becomes a possibility by being added in their roadmap. Except even then, the roadmap is often changed with no prior warnings or anything! People have even mentioned the fact that things straight up just vanish from the roadmap. These things did not even get the luxury to be “delayed” or anything, just removed.
Honestly, I’m fine with that if they’re being honest. I appreciate the staff replies in this topic.
The alternative is for them to ignore inconvenient questions altogether (this has been done with quite a few requests that I guarantee staff saw), which is worse than them saying “I’m too lazy to implement X feature right now.” IMO.
What About those developers forced to spend 2x the Robux splitting a video to make it fit over the original time limit? I feel like the price is to much.
Sure, but this is all technicalities. The reality of things is that if you play a 720p video on a 1080p or higher display, it’ll look blurry and low quality. I have been given this exact argument by another staff but for another feature of the engine.
I’m not sure how far roblox can push this idea of doing things “for us”. I don’t mind this. I have no issue with you guys determining a good enough setup for most people who may not know much about these things. However the fact that “your way” is the one and only way is insanity in game development.
What developers seek and need is full control over these features, not a “good enough” baseline in hopes that itll fit most developers. It would AMAZING if we had control to the resolution, bitrate and whatever else options video got on a per instance basis! With actual options, we COULD utilize these things with exactly how we needed them to be utilized. Maximizing efficiency on all fronts! (Performance, visuals, etc).
For example, lets say we had an video of an ad playing on a billboard in a city area. What the developer could do is simply play that video at a much lower bitrate and resolution compared to other videos across the map! Settings tuned EXACTLY how that developer wished, providing a exceptional visual clarity at low performance costs.
I do not believe that such internal discussion will ever lead to anything other than a straight up “No” to developers and wasted time for you and your team. I don’t know how many times ive read about you guys having discussions only for nothing to happen afterwards. I apologize for this rant-ish post but this is exactly what we are being told time and time and time again with nothing ever changing.
This depends on a multitude of circumstances. If we are referring to a fullscreen video, in some cases this may be true. If we a referring to an in-world video that is not fullscreen, this may not be true. There are situational nuances where one aspect does not solve all.
IMO it makes sense to expose the ability to inform and guide video quality, but giving control over things such as resolution, bitrate, etc. does not make sense. These concepts are not necessarily intuitive and there are various situational nuances where a certain combination may look good, but perform poorly.
Instead of giving the ability to set the resolution, the ability to say “I want this video to look good and it is super important” is clear and has similar value.
Unless I am misunderstanding your comment, this update effectively halves the upload fee for this exact scenario.
Again, i have no issues with you guys offering a good enough baseline for people to use. My issue comes from the fact that the “good enough” baseline is the one and only option. Yes it’s true that there can be cases of diminishing returns to even degraded quality AND performance. I know, most of us here know. But this is all super specific technicalities. Yes technicalities exist, but this is just a circular argument i, along with everyone else here can throw back. How come you guys specifically know what works best for OUR games? How could i be sure that the baseline you guys offer will perform and look the best in my games? I can even come up with examples as to why the approach and baselines provided by roblox themselves are subpar!
This is EXACTLY why i keep being annoying, complaining and asking for these things to be opened up because only i know how my games are supposed to look like, function and perform. Just like how every developer knows their game like the back of their palm.
And yes, again, i know a lot of developers may not understand the technicalities of things like this, which i understand and i’m fine with. Good baselines should always be provided for those people but again, these baselines do not cover my needs at all and only serve to limit me along with other developers.
This part is basically the crux of the debate. Domain knowledge for video is not necessarily common. Identifying the most specialized solution for one’s needs may be time consuming and confusing. Instead, an automatic solution works best for most developers.
There are of course power users such as yourself that may want additional controls. We will strive to balance and support both as best we can.
Providing specific example(s) that the current (and eventual future) video quality algorithm lacks will help us best address your needs.
Would it ever be possible to upload videos with transparent backgrounds?
See earlier reply:
Sure! One example would it manage video’s which are far away? Take that billboard ad example i have mentioned before. No players can realistically reach it nor can they zoom into it at all. Could it determine that and BY DEFAULT load that video into memory at a low bitrate and resolution? Perhaps even at a lower framerate?
Could i potentially dump a video straight out of memory if i know ill never need it again? I think we can all agree that videos can take a decent chunk of memory regardless of how low resolution they are so i wish to get rid of video memory asap if possible.
Could i play video’s at super specific resolutions and not risk major quality losses? Going back to that billboard example, take this long billboard for example:
Its true that its Y will not really be any scary values, but what about the X axis of the billboard? It’s pretty common for advertising hardware to utilize more extreme aspect ratios without risk of being clamped back down to some lower resolution. Thing is, these extreme aspect ratio videos would get hurt MUCH MORE by a quality reduction than any standard 16:9 or similar videos.
Also by the way, when i said that, i did not mean just the limitations of videos, but rather the limitations of everywhere in the engine.
Sure, yes, i agree. But i fail to see the part where you say WHY power users such as “myself” are not simply being offered those controls. Automatic solutions technically dont even work best for more solutions. Imagine a perfectly cut cubic hole made by some guy or whatever right, a solution which works “best” for most of these cubic holes would be simple cubical rocks (since rocks are super widely available). That cubical DOES work but it DOES NOT work “best” for that specific perfectly cut cubic hole. The only thing that works best would be something handled by the creator themselves. I know this may not be the best analogy or whatever, but i think it works.
Thing about the controls for power users, is that a large chunk of them are literal properties, methods and other things ALREADY available within the engine, just hidden away! For things that are not already exposed to roblox studio, well even still, a lot of engine properties can quite literarily just be exposed to us. Yea i know some arent as simple as just adding a property, but this is to show the extent of of the “support” power users are being given.
Instead, an automatic solution works best for most developers.
Most developers, but what about genuine developers?
A lot of fan favorites on Roblox were made by developers are smart enough to understand things like resolution and bit rate
And if they had questions or weren’t aware of certain features, they could turn to the documentation or other sources, just like most of us did when we wanted to learn about something