Look-around and idle shouldn't be combined into the same category

I wanted to use the robot look-around and the default idle, but idles and look-around are classified as the same asset/category on the character page so I can’t do that. We’re able to distinguish between walk and run, and all other animations are their own assets, so I don’t see why look-around/idle should be the odd-ones-out and classified as the same asset. They should be two separate animation categories.

Example of default idle and robot lookaround:
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In order for the look around and the idle animation to look natural, they need to share the same end and begin frames. This would be the biggest reason imo it would be a shared category. I can see why you want them separated though.

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They look fine in the gif I posted above. ROBLOX automatically blends animations with fadeTime, so I don’t see why there’d be any issues with the animations snapping/etc because the idle/look-around weren’t the same.

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I disagree that it looks fine. You can clearly see a transition in all the limbs and a complete change in the way the rig moves. It looks weird.

The complete change in the way the rig moves is intentional. If I wanted it to move the same way I wouldn’t use separate idle/look-around animations. The transition is normal for a robotic animation with sharp movements, and when blending two organic animations the transitions would be smooth, as expected.

Yeah I’m not saying the animation is wrong. I’m saying it looks bad when the character suddenly changes styles while they’re just standing still.

And sharks made of watermelon don’t? :P

“Bad” is subjective. What looks great to you may look bad to me and vice versa. Would you suggest this shouldn’t be a feature in light of that?

If people agree with me, yes. I’m just posting my opinion, not trying to prove anything.

I tested the merging of many different sets before this was released.

Mixing different Idles and LookArounds didn’t look good because they didn’t return to the same idle position. Walking was the exception however future walk and run animations will need to keep the same relative “cycle” otherwise the tween between them will not line up and will “jitter”.

How different is it from using different walk/idle animations? For instance, if I use the levitate idle and default walk, my legs will snap whenever I walk. That seems much worse than anything “bad” shown in the gif I have in the OP.